Monday 17 October 2016

Word Explosion Camp Meeting 2016 ~ Dr. Wilfred and Mrs. Rita Lai

Having A Kingdom Mind ~ Dr. Wilfred Lai

Dr. Wilfred Lai ~ JCC Mombasa, Kenya
I want you to know I love everyone of you and the devil can do nothing about it. Here we are raising an army and not civilians; people who have a kingdom mind.
Isaiah 55:6-11

I want you to know that every accomplishment in your life will come from the word that God has said. Little faith which comes from hearing little word makes us not to live like kingdom people. Your Father loves you and He does not want you to run around for things like sinners (Matthew 6:33), He wants you to seek him and call on and He will take care of you. You cannot be a God seeker if you are not a prayer warrior. When the church backslid, it started those small groups of intercessors, everybody is supposed to be an intercessor, if you don't have a burden to pray, you have backslid! The Lord is not far, He is near to those who seek Him. The Holy Spirit is the one who helps us. 

If you want to be a Kingdom minded person, you must change the way you think. You must not hear the word only once a week and think you are okay. I always say the word is food, if you eat one meal a week, you will be malnourished and become so weak. That is why I say Sunday worship is of the devil! If it is of God, where in the Bible was that day given to Christians as a day of worship? When the church was born, they met daily! You also need to understand that Jesus is not the founder of Christianity, He said in Matthew 16:18-19, "... on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it. 19 And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven ..." When we have very little of the word of God in us, then we believe every wind of doctrines of men and that's why Christians are running around looking for miracles, why don't you seek the Lord and miracles follow you (Mark 16:17)? The kingdom of God is not run with men's ideas, the Bible is the kingdom constitution! 

The Kingdom of God does not operate in weakness, it operates in power. God has got power to accomplish all He needs to do and so He does not beg anybody to do anything, He commands us, He commands every one to get saved. God operates in power because He is not a president who will come asking for your votes; He is a king! The people who know their God shall be strong and do exploits but if you don't know God, you will operate everything in fear. When situations come, speak to them words of faith because I have learned that everything has an ear. Look at the devil on the face and tell him, "not here!" When Jesus came from the wilderness, He returned in power (Luke 4:14), raising the dead, calming storms and healing the sick. That's the power of the kingdom; it is not mere words, it's operated in Power! How do you get the power? Seek the Lord and call on Him (Isaiah 55:6). There are powers of darkness that control where you are and if you are going to go where God wants you to be, you must get out of this sleeping business (Proverbs 24:33-34) get up and pray, make right confessions and watch what God will do. 

When the church begun, nobody played church, the story of Ananias and Sapphira in Acts 5:2 shows how the kingdom operates. Ananias came in the spirit of religiosity like some people who think preachers need their money. The preachers of the day never sought for money, they did not do harambees to buy a car, they preached the gospel and the people sold their lands and houses (Acts 4:35) and brought the money at the Apostles feet who in turn did not steal it but used it for the gospel.

When you begin to operate the way God does - doing everything for His glory - you will begin to see immediate results. When you have power you don't worry about small things. Your new level will not happen when the word of God is not dwelling in you richly, forsake your thoughts and return to the Lord (Isaiah 55:7) for He will abundantly pardon and open doors because it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom.

Sunday 16 October 2016

God's Day of Your Visitation ~ Dr. Wilfred Lai

We are so glad to have everyone of you today, the word will change your life forever and you will leave as a different person.
Dr. Wilfred Lai ~ Senior Pastor JCC Mombasa, Kenya

Genesis 15:1-8, 12-14

The God of the Bible is a God of seasons (Ecclesiastes 3:1). Our God who controls times and seasons wants us to be aware that when He wants to bring forth a new season, He sends a word to prepare us so that we may fulfill the purpose of that season. I came this morning with a word from the Lord because your season is changing. When God wanted to change Abraham's season, the word of God came to him in a vision, “ ... Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield, your exceedingly great reward,” (Genesis 15:1). Fear is a sign of unbelief and God does not want us to fear because He doesn't want us to live by circumstances. 

God had said He would give Abraham a son but things were looking like they are not changing. Abraham tells God he is old and Eliezer would be his heir. You know as human beings when we have been in a situation for long and it seems like it has no solution, we adjust to it even if it's not comfortable. It is the word of God that changed the situation of Abraham. This morning I came to tell you that it's God's word that will change your situation. God takes Abraham outside and asks him to look up at the stars and count them. Abraham could not and God told him that his descendants shall be so. He believed and God accounted it to him for righteousness. When the situation seems impossible, will you believe? There is no change that can happen without faith (Hebrews 11:6). 

Abraham's story is like your story and God has given a word to change it. Abraham then asked God for a guarantee concerning the things that He had spoken to him and God said, “... bring Me a three-year-old heifer, a three-year-old female goat, a three-year-old ram, a turtledove, and a young pigeon,” (Genesis 15:9). God was establishing the giving of His people from the richest to the poorest through those five things because there is no worship without a sacrifice. When you obey what God tells you, you open a door for the next thing that God wants to show you, if you don't, you close the door. I pray that we will obey whatever God tells us. God then caused Abraham to fall into a deep sleep because He wanted to do an operation in his life and give him the next direction. The God who brought Abraham out of the land of the Chaldeans to bless him is the same God who has brought you out of where you were to this place to change your life. Even if you are here for the first time, it's not an accident, it's God who orchestrated your coming. It's time for your next level! It doesn't matter what is happening, the season has just changed as you listen to this message! 

Hebrews 3:16-19 tells us the children of Israel could not enter into God's rest (Swahili Bible says 'raha' ) because when the word of God came through Moses that they would go back to the land of their fathers, a land flowing with milk and honey; they rebelled against it and God was angry with them and they died in the wilderness and their carcasses remained there. Let me tell you, God does not want you to die before you see the fulfillment of His purposes in your life but when you don't believe in His word, you are killed by the things that you should kill. When the doctor says you have a condition and you begin singing, ' Lord I am coming home," how old are you to die? Heaven is not for young people! I don't care which way death tries to come to you, tell it, wrong address! When you don't realize the time God has come to change your season, you miss it and calamity follows you. In Luke 19:40-44, God sent Jesus to the Jews as their Messiah but because their spiritual leaders were blind, they missed the time of their visitation. When you hear the word and you disobey, you are stagnated and you stay in one place for a very long time.

Friday 14 October 2016

Treasures In heaven ~ Dr. Wilfred Lai

Shalom beloved,

The Wilfred Lai Foundation offers you a great opportunity to provide for yourselves money bags which do not grow old, a treasure in the heavens that does not fail, where no thief approaches nor moth destroys according to the word of God in Luke 12:33.
Do not let this opportunity pass you by.

Thursday 13 October 2016

Kingdom First ~ Dr. Wilfred Lai

Dr. Wilfred Lai ~ Senior Pastor Jesus Celebration Centre, Kenya
What a God we serve, He will never fail us, even when the devil tries to rise up, he can't change what God has said. When they rise against us in one way, they will flee in seven directions! We are in a season of New Levels; new levels new devils! I am here to raise champions and the devil can do nothing about it!

Luke 12:29-34

I am continuing from where I stopped on Sunday morning. We were at Matthew 6:33. If we are going to experience heavenly riches, we must become kingdom minded people; instead of anxiety, you rest on the promises of God, spend time in the presence of God in prayer, spend time in the word and spend time with the brethren. When the church was born, it did not gather only one day, why? Because the leaders of the church understood what their Master said in Luke 19:13, "... occupy till I come." Psalm 24:1 tells us that everything in the world, God put it there for the sake of the expansion of His kingdom. For you to get into your next level, you must change your attitude towards God. You must stop treating Him like a liar, you must stop treating Him like He can't help you because He is your help: He must come first.

 For some of you, your job comes first, while for others, your children can never miss school but they can miss church. What gain is it if you work so hard yet you have no relationship with your Maker (Isaiah 55:7). What is the Kingdom? The kingdom of God is the kingdom of our Father and He is the King who is solely responsible for those living in it. Jesus said when we pray, we address the Father and ask for His kingdom (Matthew 6). We are not supposed to feed and cloth ourselves, our Father is supposed to give us an inheritance because the whole earth is His. A father cares for his children and ensures they are protected. God is our Father and we should not treat Him any other way, we are not grown ups, we are His children and that is why in our reading in Luke 12, He calls us little flock and tells us not to fear. The Father wants us to own the kingdom. Luke 12:33 gives us a kingdom principle, "sell what you have and give alms ; provide yourselves money bags which do not grow old, a treasure in the heavens that does not fail, where no thief approaches nor moth destroys." Jesus said the same thing to the young ruler in Matthew 19:21 and that is what He is saying today. I know that has just offended you like that young ruler. God does not want kingdom people to be attached to material things; what you have here is for His glory.

When the word of God says seek the kingdom, it means seek how God operates. So what does God do? God does everything for His glory. The moment you begin to do everything for God's glory, you will find favor with Him. When you are asking God to give you something, what is it for? When you change your attitude, your level will change. Stop asking God for things for yourself! You must hate everything that does not glorify God in your life. When God says your treasure in heaven will not fail, it means that every time you have a need here on earth, you draw from your heavenly treasure.

James 4:3 says,  "You ask and do not receive, because you ask amiss, that you may spend it on your pleasures". Now you know why you prayed for things and you didn't get them. Change your prayer and things will start coming your way in ways you don't even understand because heaven has never bounced a cheque. If you want to know whether you are kingdom minded, check your giving. How many times do you make vows and you fail to honor them, how many times have you failed to pay the tithe, how many times did the Holy Spirit tell you to give a dress to a certain sister and you started reasoning and said you love the dress. As long as you are attached to earthly things, you cannot glorify God. Whatever you have used for the kingdom for God's glory, you are laying for yourself treasure in heaven because God pays for services and it begins by giving yourself. When you are waging warfare for other people, you are getting credits in your heavenly treasures, even when you are attending service you get some credits and if the 1st world pays in minutes, you can imagine how God pays, it could even be in seconds! Change only comes because you have a renewed mind, if you understand this, you will be available for the kingdom.

Wednesday 21 September 2016

There is help ~ Dr. Wilfred Lai

Dr. Wilfred Lai ~ Senior Pastor, Jesus Celebration Centre Mombasa, Kenya, East Africa

Monday 19 September 2016

Seed Time and Harvest Time Will Never Cease ~ Dr. Wilfred Lai

Dr. Wilfred Lai ~ Senior pastor, Jesus Celebration Center
What a mighty God we serve! He watches our going out and our coming in. It is wonderful to be back home and to see all of you. Jesus is Lord! It doesn't matter what you are going through or what you are feeling. Jesus is Lord over the tall, over the short, over the devil and the demons and over those who love Him and those who mock Him. Those who mock Him are just doing so ignorantly because one day they will bow before Him. Jesus is not one of the lords, He is the Lord and all the great bow before Him.

Genesis 8:20-22
There are certain things that will never cease as long as the earth remains. Whatever a man sows, He will reap. Man is responsible for the seed and God is responsible for the harvest. I want to show you something that will change your life.The Holy Ghost will always prompt you and when you don't listen, you delay your life. The year 2016 is our year of health and prosperity. How will you get it? Serve the Lord your God (Exodus 23:25). The enemy will always want to delay the people of God by making them ordinary. Let me tell you, God saved you to be different and you are not supposed to be like everybody else. The Holy Ghost is like a wind, He will prompt you to move in the direction of your blessing. You are not called to struggle but to be blessed and when you are blessed you become a blessing. God brought you here to be covered by the six anointings that I carry and one of them is to have money. If you don't want to be blessed you are in the wrong church.

When the waters resided and Noah came out of the Ark, God did not tell him to built an altar and offer sacrifice but Noah knew life has begun and when life begins, you turn to the giver of life. God doesn't ask you to give what you don't have, God gives seed to the sower. The moment you become a sower, God will give you seed. Let me explain seed; its the beginning of life. Everything that is alive begins with seed. Every time you become a sower, your life of prosperity begins. I know seed is a word that the church has begun fearing because the devil has started using it. The most important seed is not material, it's the word. Jesus said (John 6:63) that His word is Spirit and life. I am what I am today by the grace of God because of the revelation that I have about seed. Everything that I have is a result of seed. I am a very hard working person but I don't work to succeed, I work hard because God command us to do so. Laziness is sin, when you idle around, you are a sinning believer! That's why 2 Thessalonians 3:10 says he who does not work should not eat. What happens when you don't eat? You die. You should never die premature so wake up and work!  God will bless the work of your hands so that you can have seed, if you don't put your hands into something, God has nothing to bless. Noah labored for 100 years to get the people of his time to turn to God and he build a very big Ark, can I call it church? Just like today, we labor to preach the word but some laugh and push it away. If you read the scripture carefully, you will notice Noah was told to take 2 pairs of the unclean animals in the Ark but 7 pairs of the clean animals. Why? God was preparing seed for Himself ahead of time. In Genesis 9:1, God blessed him and told him to be fruitful- God was not only talking about having children because if you get 20 of them, what will you feed them on, how will they go to school? - That is the original blessing. It is the same one that was given to Adam in the garden of Eden.What is it that prompted God to give Noah that blessing? It is in Genesis 8:21.

Do you remember when God cursed the ground after Adam sinned? When the ground is not producing and the rain does not come at the right time, its a sign of a curse. Dry places are habitations of demons. In places where they practice witchcraft, it doesn't rain and when it rains it's disastrous. It was never in the plan of God for man to live in poverty. Poverty is a curse. When you have enough, you are still poor. You are rich if you have more than enough. The curse of poverty does not start with lack of money but lack of communion with God. If you are feeding your children on tithe, you are just killing them. If you are not giving tithe from your business, you are just killing it.

May you begin to obey everything that is written in this word because it is for your good. When the Holy Spirit prompts you, move! Don't give an excuse. That way, you will be fruitful and fill the earth.

Sunday 18 September 2016

A New heart to Posses your Possessions ~ Rev. Justus Kimeu

Rev. Justus Kimeu ~ Jesus Celebration Centre
The life that God has called us to live as believers is a contested life. The devil is envious and threatened by what God wants you to become.
Ezekiel 11:13-25, Matthew 9:17

Ezekiel is lifted in a vision and showed the entire house of Israel under oppression and their land given out. I want to say today in the name of Jesus, you are going to posses your possessions. What God has given us as an inheritance, we will not allow the enemy to steal it away. The children of Israel were in captivity and that is why their land was taken. So many of us are in captivity today and that is why we have not possessed our possessions. God said He will give the Israelite's their land. The first agenda to get back to God is repentance. When you take away what is not acceptable, you are ready to receive what is acceptable. In verse 19, God says He will give them one heart and give them a new Spirit.

The plan of God for all of us seated here is that we have one heart and God will put a new Spirit in the one heart and remove the heart of stone. A stony heart is one that is used to doing things in a certain way and does not change, even when it rains, it remains the same. A stony heart leads to stiff neck and that is why the glory of God not stay with the Israelite's because they were a stiff necked people. God wants to give you a heart of flesh that can be teachable and accommodates God.
There are two types of people; those who walk in their own way and those who walk after God. The difference is spiritualism and carnality. You can be anointed in two ways; by God to walk in the Spirit or by the devil to walk in the flesh and be carnally minded. The devil may not take you to captivity but he puts a yoke in your life. It controls you freedom and makes you do the things that you don't want; you want to pray but you cant. When the devil bewitches you(Gal 3:1), you dont obey the truth, you begin to obey yourself and when you continue like that, your heart becomes a stone but I want you to know that it is possible to break the yoke (Isaiah 10:27). When God anoints you with power, it fattens you and on that same day, whatever the devil had organized to destroy you is destroyed. I want you to desire today that a new heart and a new Spirit will come over you. That thing that you desire, that thing that you used to have, you can't get it until you get a new heart and a new Spirit because a crafty heart of flattery will not get there. Have a sincere and steadfast heart before God. I pray that God will rise and fight whatever has been standing against you and put it in perpetual shame! I pray that there will be a new standard of obedience, faithfulness and love so that the glory of God will come over us. I pray that you will follow God fully and that the spirit of the enemy will not take you out of your possesion

Friday 16 September 2016

Thursday 15 September 2016

Petitioning Your Case Part 3 ~ Rev. Justus Kimeu

Rev. Justus Kimeu ~ Jesus Celebration Centre, Mombasa, Kenya
Many times when we set ourselves to pray, prayers return to us unanswered. That happened to David in Psalm 35:13. When that happens, you need to know one secret; the power of mercy. When God deals with you according to His mercy, pure grace will come to you. 

Matthew 15:21-28 
The Canaanite woman came to Jesus asking for mercy because she knew where there is mercy there is no law. She called Jesus Son of David (people who called Jesus in that name had a revelation) but He kept quite.

When that happens to you, never forget this; He is still there. The disciples came to Jesus and told Him to send her away because she was now crying after them. This woman was a persistent woman, in verse 24 Jesus tells her He was only sent to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. I want you to know that those who have a revelation knows that He came for all! Refuse to be refused! The woman, even after such an answer knelt before Him, called Him Lord, worshiped and asked for mercy. When you are not able to hear God, worship Him because He can never ignore worship. Speak in tongues and you will be amazed at how He will come through for you.

You can never petition a case if you are just a weakling. If you are easily discouraged, you can’t fight spiritual battles! Even when people despise you, still worship God because you never came for them, When the woman silenced the disciples, they never spoke again. The best way to fight your enemies is to go to a higher level. The problem with you is that you go back to your enemies to answer them. 

So many people appear before God like victims looking for sympathy but nothing should be an excuse for you to appear before God weak. How long will you look for sympathy while God is looking for your faith? When the Shunammite woman lost her child, she didn’t look for sympathy (2 Kings 4), she knew she could petition! Some of you quit just before your miracle, you need to know God is there and is a rewarder of those who seek Him diligently. You have the right to petition and He has the power to decide otherwise! You need to know who your God is, you need to be persuaded of His and power and that is why the woman in Luke 18:1-8 could not be stopped! You can never petition if you don’t have faith but if you have faith, you have the answer. When you have faith, you have authority over God and that is why King Hezekiah (2 Kings 20) changed what God had said. 

The daughters of Zelophehad petitioned against the law and Moses had to go before God to ask for direction concerning them. God gave their petition and their case became a precedent for the rest (Numbers 27). It doesn’t matter what they have written or said about you, let your case be the precedent of how others should be handled! How long will you stay with your case? Whatever you have given up on and you have even started saying, ‘sio mapenzi ya Mungu’ (it’s not God’s will) arise and bring it to God because there is no situation that can challenge Him!

Wednesday 14 September 2016

Word Explosion Camp Meeting 2016 Invite ~ Bishop Wilfred and Mrs. Rita Lai

God spoke to me and said, prepare my people because I am bringing the Church into 7 years of harvest. They are going to be the greatest years that you have ever lived and those things that you have longed to see will be fulfilled in this season. 2 years of the harvest have already elapsed. There are still 5 more years to go. 

Five is the number of Grace; it speaks of what you will receive without your effort or being smarter than those around you. In this season, God is bringing you to a place where you will ride on another man's favor. 

Welcome to the 24th Word Explosion Camp Meeting. We challenge all Pastors and Church Leaders to come and be partakers of this great move of God.

God bless you as you plan to attend. May the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be your portion in this great season of Revival. We love you and we are praying for you. Shalom!

Tuesday 13 September 2016

Prayer ~ Dr. Wilfred Lai

Dr. Wilfred Lai ~ Senior Pastor, Jesus Celebration Centre, Mombasa, Kenya, East Africa

Sunday 11 September 2016

Petitioning Your Case ~ Rev. Justus Kimeu

Rev. Justus Kimeu ~ Jesus Celebration Centre, Mombasa
Enemies have no reason to attack empty people.

Daniel 6:4-18

There are many reasons and grounds that can bring a charge against you. Most of the battles against your life are as a result of your potential or success. If there is nothing happening against you, you are  not going far. If you see opposition against your children, its because they have a great future. The governors and satraps looked for reasons to accuse Daniel on the basis of his work but they found none because he was faithful and so they decided to accuse him on the basis of his faith. If your enemies are against you, they will put a charge which they think you cannot survive. So the king signed the decree but Daniel went on to pray as was his custom. I have realized one of the dangers of Pentecostal Christians is that when they get blessed, they don't dwell in the house of God anymore.

Philippians 4:6 says we should not be anxious but pray. Those who are able to pray are able to petition in whatever situation. Daniel petitioned for what could not be altered or changed according to the laws of Medes and Persians. They went to the king to accuse Daniel but he had already gone to the heavenly King.You need to know where power is! The king was displeased with himself and in verse 18, he spent the night awake and in fasting. That was a Babylonian king yet so may Christians despise fasting; they are too selfish, self-contained, self-sufficient and proud.

Isaiah 40:23 confirms that our God is able to make the judges of the earth useless. Our God is a mighty God, He is able to make useless judgments and everything else that has been decided against you. Those who conspired against Daniel together with their families were crushed by the lions even before they touched the ground. God will rise on your behalf and crush whatever has been decided against you. In verse 28, Daniel who was supposed to perish prospered! There is power in petitioning! I announce under the anointing that you will not perish but you will prosper!

Thursday 8 September 2016

prayer and fasting ~ Dr. Wilfred Lai

Bishop Wilfred Lai ~ Senior Pastor, Jesus Celebration Centre, Mombasa, Kenya

Opposition And Resistance ~ Bishop Thomas Kakala

Bishop Thomas Kakala ~ JCC Malindi 
Opposition and resistance is our driving force for success.

Acts 4:1-20
If you are going to make an impact anywhere you are, you have to know opposition is your hour for elevation. The eternal purpose of God over your life cannot be stopped by anything whatsoever. I want to tell somebody here that the God we serve is a mighty God and there is no problem He can't handle. The story in the above quoted scriptures tells us Peter, John and James; disciples who were once cowards but after they waited in the upper room, they received power to do great things. Their work caught the eyes of the rulers, elders, scribes, priests and the sadducees until they questioned them which kind of power they were using. May the Lord help you to receive transformation until people are left in wonder! In verse 17-19, when they were told to stop speaking in the name of Jesus, they stayed put. That is called boldness and that is what the church needs now more than ever before! The church must stand tall because we are the light and we are the salt.

Peter, John and James were beaten and put in prison, but it could not hold them. We the church must know the devil is targeting us but we are on the winning side because Jesus won our victory!

Tuesday 6 September 2016

The Wilfred Lai Foundation ~ Dr. Wilfred Lai

Dr. Wilfred Lai ~ Senior Pastor, Jesus Celebration Center, Mombasa, Kenya, East Africa

Monday 5 September 2016

prayer ~ Dr. Wilfred Lai

Dr. Wilfred Lai ~ Senior Pastor, Jesus Celebration Center, Mombasa, Kenya

To Conquer And Occupy Part 2 ~ Dr. Wilfred Lai

Dr. Wilfred Lai ~ Senior Pastor, Jesus Celebration Centre, Mombasa, Kenya
"For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God, for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ and being ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is complete," 2 Corinthians 10:4-6.

When revival tarries, a lot of wickedness starts going on and the church cannot even talk about it because it's obedience is not complete. I want to show you seven powerful weapons that pull down strongholds. A stronghold is something that is so strong and its not easily broken. The weapons will also help you cast down arguments and bring every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ. Let me tell you, you cannot be better than the way you think. If you think you are weak, you will become a weakling. You must build your thinking capacity so that you are not thinking sin, defeat and failure. Think about those things that are true, noble, just, pure, lovely, praiseworthy and of good report. 

Ephesians 6:10-18 
You must be strong in the Lord. You must play your part; God will not pray for you, you must pray and be where the word is being preached. You must be strong in prayer, word, fellowship and giving. You must build your capacity. You can't have one meal a week and that is why here we have many services. Put on the whole armor  of God; the way you take care to look good on the outside, take care to look good inside.

  1. Breastplate of righteousness 
  2. Belt of truth 
  3. Feet ready to preach the gospel
  4. Shield of faith
  5. Sword of the Spirit
  6. Helmet of salvation
  7. Praying in the Spirit always
 When you dress up like that daily, you can never be defeated. Those weapons will help you stand against what the enemy is scheming against you.

Sunday 4 September 2016

To Conquer And Occupy ~ Dr. Wilfred Lai

Dr. Wilfred Lai ~ Senior Pastor, Jesus Celebration Center, Mombasa
If you don't conquer, you don't occupy.

1 Samuel 17, 1 Timothy 6:12
Let me tell you, the Almighty God does not give you something that is gathering dust for you to go, wipe it and occupy, whatever He gives you is already occupied and you must go and conquer! I said revival comes when God shows up. God does not only show up as a healer, provider and all these other aspects, He also shows up as a fighter. He comes to take away the reproach of His people. When you live in the presence of God, you cannot loose a battle. The Bible tells of how the children of Israel were faced by a battle. Goliath looked at their armies and didn't see anybody who could match him physically. That's how sometimes people who walk with God look like. I came to tell you it doesn't matter how you look like, when God is with you, you can do great things. When David came to that valley, he was not even coming to fight but God was bringing him to fight. When he heard how Goliath defied the army of God, he asked what will be given to the person who will kill him. He was told that the king will enrich that man, give him his daughter in marriage and his family will be exempted from taxes. That is what happens when you conquer. There are some giants that have been setting up to defy you but I came to say when you conquer the Lord will enrich enrich you! When you conquer, you will join the royal family and your family will also experience the blessing!

David did not look like he could fight Goliath even before the eyes of Saul and his first battle was to fight those who didn't believe in him. For many of you, giants are not the problem but the people around you who don't understand your greatness has nothing with your physique, it has to do with what is in the inside of you because the one who lives in you is greater! You need a weapon to fight the word of men! David testified to Saul and told him that the Lord who delivered him from the bear and the lion will also deliver him from the sword, the spear and the javelin of the giant! David knew his challenge was God's challenge.You must have a testimony to overcome the fear that is created by men or by what you feel or see. Faith will explode when you are challenged and it does not come from the outside but from God because He is in you. Goliath saw David and mocked him. That's a good thing because when your enemies under estimate you, you will shock them! Goliath cursed David by his gods. A curse makes you weak, ordinary poor but David did not fear. Why? Anybody who is not over you cannot curse you and if they curse you, they are jokers! If you have been cursed, then you need a power that is greater than the one who cursed you to reverse the curse and I came in my Apostolic office to reverse every curse upon your life! You need to know you have a name that is greater than the one who cursed you; the name of Jesus!

1 Timothy 6:12 says we fight the good fight. How do you fight? Through the good confession; saying what God says. It is the testimony that you give among many witnesses. We must testify because if you can talk about what God has already done, He will do what He wants to do. The enemy does not have a body, he uses those who have bodies and sends them to you to water down what you are hearing right now! I tell you the truth, those people who come to tell you what you can't do are sent by the devil and they might not even know it, some could be your friends and family members! I want you to know that you will be like David! David could only fight because he was in revival, Saul had already lost it. You are not going to kill the giants or conquer your enemies by physical means, you need to begin seeking God like gold and silver; seek Him early in the morning - don't sleep when you are supposed to pray- get loaded and connect to the power! If you believe what I am teaching this morning, no devil or man will be able to stop you! Your time to conquer and occupy has come.

Friday 2 September 2016

Fasting ~ Dr. Wilfred Lai

Dr. Wilfred Lai ~ Senior Pastor, Jesus Celebration Centre, Mombasa, Kenya

Thursday 1 September 2016

The Realm Of The Spirit ~ Dr. Wilfred Lai

Dr. Wilfred Lai~ Jesus Celebration Center, Mombasa
I want you to understand the realm of the spirit is real. God declared everything that we see from the realm of the spirit. When you understand this, you will be able to pray effectively and two, you will be more focused because sometimes the things that we see around us distract us from following what God has for us.  

Numbers 22 & 23
Altars are used to bless and also to curse. From the above scriptures, Balak who is the King of Moab calls Balaam who is a prophet of the other world- a diviner- to curse the children of Israel so that he may overcome them. That is the power of the spiritual realm; curses. That is what they use to stagnate the people of God. I want you to understand, everything that is hindered; may be a ministry in you, your business, your family life, is all controlled from the realm of the spirit. The children of darkness understand this more than the children of light because it is not taught a lot. Balak even sent elders to Balaam with a diviner's fee. You need to understand the world of the spirit so that when you pray you release something and that is why you cannot afford to pray with your mouth shut! Life and death is in the power of the tongue, so don't pray those religious prayers of saying you are praying in your heart. 

Balaam was a man who was high in the realm of the spirit, whoever he cursed was cursed and whoever he blessed was blessed. Do you know when you are walking with God and God is on your side your enemies know? God meets Balaam on his way to curse the children of Israel and stops him. When you see God coming to meet with a diviner, he was dangerous! God will meet with those sorcerers before they curse you because He is your defence! Sometimes, we don't understand that the one who is in us is greater than the one who is in the world. However, He cannot operate in us without our knowledge. How does He operate? By you opening your mouth and releasing power in the name of Jesus! In the realm of the spirit demons must know you and angels must know you! That is why you need to stay connected to the altar because when you are playing church, demons see you naked!

God stopped Balaam from going to curse the children of Israel but when he disobeyed, God became angry and sent an angel with a sword against him and until the donkey started talking, Balaam had not seen the angel and when he did, he bowed down. When your enemies bow down, finished! They are under your authority. So when he went to the king of Moab, he could not curse the people of God even when Balak tried to take him on different mountains (altars) of the gods of Moab. 
What is the evidence that God is with you? Blessing! When God is in a ministry, there is a blessing and nothing can stop that. So why does your enemies do better than you? That can only happen if they have someone somewhere cursing you. 

If you don't understand the realm of the spirit, you will ask, " why does pastor tell us to wake up so early while others are sleeping?" You don't know where you are, you are anointed to do something dangerous! The devil has fought your prayer so that you don't stay connected to the power that is in this altar. Where we are going, we cannot afford to play church games!

Wednesday 31 August 2016

On Eagles Wings ~ Mrs. Rita Lai

Mrs. Rita Lai ~ First Lady, Jesus Celebration Center Mombasa, Kenya 
"Every mandate from God faces all kinds of opposition and it's upon the people under the said mandate to realize that for them to achieve any kind of results they must fight and overcome the battles that will arise against them.
Therefore every congregation, through their man of God who is the vision carrier in the congregation, should be very clear why they exist. There will be no competition, jealousies or fightings if every congregation would understand their purpose." 
Mrs. Rita Lai (2014) On Eagles Wings, A Story of A Dream Come True. Page 102

Tuesday 30 August 2016

Monday 29 August 2016

Dry Bones Revived ~ Dr. Wilfred Lai

Bishop Wilfred Lai ~ Jesus Celebration Centre
Everything that is visible begins from the Spirit. 

The visible is an evidence of the unseen. The fact that you can see physical things right now is a sign that the spiritual realm is real. Why do I say that? Because in the beginning while there was nothing, God was there. Every thing you see now was birthed by a word of prophecy. 

In Ezekiel 37:1-11, that valley was not a physical one but Ezekiel was in the realm of the Spirit where  the valley was. In verse 3, God asked Ezekiel whether the bones can live, meaning, can they appear in the physical? Ezekiel replied that God knows. So God told him to do his job, to prophesy! I came to tell you that everything that has died can live again. Everything that you have lost can come back again. God is asking you the same question he asked Ezekiel, 'do you believe?' 

Before you know something, you are not ready for it. Before you know you are healed, you are not ready for it, but the moment you know, you speak to the disease what you know, that you are healed! In verse 11, God told Ezekiel the dry bones was the whole house of Israel and they were dry and their hope was lost. If God was talking to me today, He would tell me the dry bones is the church.
I came to prophesy, it doesn't matter the condition of the church right now, we are about to become a great army, we are about to become a power! For that to happen, we must see the Lord high and lifted up just like Isaiah 6:1. He is lifted higher than all principalities, higher than all powers, higher than every condition, higher than everything!

Sunday 28 August 2016

The Price of Revival ~ Dr. Wilfred Lai

Dr. Wilfred Lai ~ Jesus Celebration Centre, Mombasa, Kenya
Everything that happens has a cost.

Revival has a cost and somebody must pay for it to happen. My prayer for you is that this word will transform you and make you a better person. The story of King Uzziah in 2 Chronicles 26:1-5, 8,16, will help us understand why revival happens and why it is hindered. Revival is when God comes. The first thing that must happen for revival to come is that somebody must begin to seek God. 

King Uzziah became King when he was only 16 years. These days, that's a teenager who is interested in other things but King Uzziah
started seeking God and walking in His ways just like his father Amaziah. He connected to the prophet Isaiah and as long as he obeyed the voice of the man of God, he never lost any battle. Every time you want to live in the ways of God, you must be connected to a prophet because God never does anything without revealing it to His servants; God speaks to them and they speak to you. Revival is always connected to a man of God. Everytime God comes, He comes through a man. When God heard the cry of the children of Israel, He came to deliver them through Moses. 

The number two price to pay for revival is humility. When you have achieved something, you want everybody to start recognising you. That's why when preachers rise up a bit, they begin to get all these big titles. When somebody calls them a brother, they become offended, but who are you? Before I became a pastor I was a brother. I am brother Lai and I don't want to surround myself with body guards because sometimes you wonder, who wants to kill who? After God prospered King Uzziah, he got a big head and started doing things he wasn't supposed to do. His prayer life stopped and his relationship with his man of God was cut off. If you don't have a man of God who speaks in your life and you obey, you can never have revival. You know when you stay humble, you can never fall, people fall only when they are up. When the Lord lifts you, stay humble because He is not lifting you above yourself. When you live like you are above everyone else, that's called pride and that's how people fall.

Revival comes with money and prosperity. When God moves, He moves away those things that are not from Him - poverty, sickness and defeat - so that you can move to the next level and become what He wants you to be. I came to tell you as you seek God, all obstacles will melt in His presence. Even that boss who is trying to stop you is not God's boss, He will pass him over and bless you! When God lifts you up, don't allow anything to bring you down.

Why are we not having revival in the church today? Because we are giving God a raw deal, we are giving Him what does not cost us and He cannot accept it!' That's why we have so many sickness in the church because we are treating God casually. People in this country only go to church on Sunday morning because it is a free day. We come to church late, we only pray when we have an emergency and say, 'Lord do it now or never! Who are you threatening? God is not a fire brigade, He wants you in good time, not only when things are going wrong. He wants a relationship.

Friday 26 August 2016

Dreams And Visions ~ Bishop Wilfred Lai

Bishop Wilfred and Mrs. Rita Lai ~ Jesus Celebration Centre
Many times when people are discouraged, they want to quit. There are some people who are reading this message now and things have happened in their lives that have made them feel like they need to leave now!
If that has happened to you, you are not the only one, the Apostle Paul went through the same thing. And in that time of great discouragement, the Lord came to him in a vision. 
Acts 18:9-11; “Now the Lord spoke to Paul in the night by a vision, “Do not be afraid, but speak, and do not keep silent; for I am with you, and no one will attack you to hurt you; for I have many people in this city.” And he continued there a year and six months, teaching the word of God among them.”There are some things that you have begun to do because God has put them in your heart and now you are going through very difficult discouraging things. May be your own brothers, your own sisters or people that you really hoped were going to stand with you and support what you have in your heart to do have turned against you. They are opposing you and you feel like quitting. I came to tell you don’t quit, don’t quit! It’s not opposition or rejection, it’s not a sign that you are in the wrong place or you are doing the wrong thing; sometimes opposition comes because you are doing the right thing! Sometimes people oppose you because the devil sees your future!

Thursday 25 August 2016

Revival ~ Bishop Wilfred Lai

Bishop Wilfred Lai ~ Senior Pastor, Jesus Celebration Centre
Anything that takes you away from the presence of God is sin.
Today, there is a word to bring down your mountains because you can't keep going round mountains! I want us to ask God a powerful question in Psalm 85:6. The Psalmist is asking,
 "will You not revive us again, that Your people may rejoice in you?" 
'Again' is a word that indicates something had happened before. When as a child of God you are not revived, you don't have joy (at least the joy of the Lord) and therefore you don't have strength. So, what is revival? Revival is when God comes to you, when His presence is evident in your life, in a congregation, in a city and in a Nation. Revival does not begin with a big congregation, when God's presence is evident in your life, then you are in the midst of revival. 

I want you to know that God wants you to live in Him. When you are in revival, it doesn't matter what happens around you, you will always have joy. When revival comes, things that show our God is a God of impossibility begin to happen.  

I pray that God will open our eyes that we may see the loss of living away from His presence.

Isaiah 64:1-5 gives us the answer to our question. When God comes down in your life, things begin to happen! He comes down to make those things that have been stopped by mountains to happen. I came to tell you that the Lord will cause the mountains that have been before you to be flattened. Those things that have been an obstacle to you don't fear your degrees or who you know, they will only melt at the presence of God. You have done your best but it has amounted to nothing, I have come to tell you there is a way; His presence.  Everyday God visited Adam in the garden of Eden and that is why there was no sickness, poverty and Adam had a creative mind that knew everything (wisdom &understanding) and that is why he could name everything that God created and not make a mistake. The mountains that surrounded him were not mountains of obstacles but mountains of wealth. May God cause all the mountains that have surrounded you to be mountains of wealth! You can't be in His presence and be controlled by obstacles! In His presence, you will stand and decree a word and it will be established. Those witches that are disturbing you, you only need to stand in the presence of God and declare that whatever they are planning against you will turn against them and their children. You cannot be a mountain taker by massaging demons!

In the Apostle's time, the Church met daily. The sin of Hebrews 10:25 is the greatest obstacle hindering revival in the church today; and we continue in it! Revival left when the church chased away the Holy Spirit and became Sunday worshippers! In this church, we give you the opportunity to start the day like Jesus early in the morning in all our centres. We also have Grace hour services and three unity services because we have to keep the fire burning in this city. Are you willing to pay the price? Come out of the shallow waters and launch into the deep where revival is!

Wednesday 24 August 2016

Tapping Into The Annointing ~ Dr. Wilfred Lai

Dr. Wilfred Lai ~ Jesus Celebration Centre, Mombasa, Kenya
God is looking.
He is not looking for people who are ordained, He is looking for people who can believe! If you can believe, you are a candidate for the works of God. He doesn’t care whether you are young or old. I started preaching the gospel when I was in form two just after salvation and I have never stopped. We do not do the work of the ministry, we demonstrate the work of the ministry as a training for you to go into the great harvest. You know where it is? It is in the market place where you are selling your product, it is in your place of work, it is in the place where you are doing your business. The harvest is right there in the college where you are doing your studies. It is everywhere! 
People need the Lord everywhere! God has put you there to represent the Kingdom of heaven. Jesus told the disciples to make this announcement everywhere; “… the kingdom of heaven is at hand,” Matthew 10:7. You are carrying the Kingdom! Everywhere you go you need to tell people the Kingdom has just come! When they ask you, where is it? You tell them, 'I am carrying it, when I entered here the Kingdom just entered!' You need to get a little bit excited about who you are in Christ Jesus; you carry the Kingdom and when you enter somewhere, say shalom, peace; “But whatever house you enter, first say, ‘Peace to this house.’ And if a son of peace is there, your peace will rest on it; if not, it will return to you,” Luke 10:5-6. 
Jesus said, if the son of peace is there, your peace will remain with them but if the son of peace is not there, your peace returns to you. You see, there are people out there who belong to the Kingdom, they are in the night club right now drinking. Some of them are busy carjacking, stealing, and doing all kinds of things but they are sons of peace; they are being involved in stuff that they are not part of. This is why we do not go to look for people and try to convince them to get saved, we go to look for the harvest that is ready. Jesus said the harvest is ready. There are people out there who are tired of being misused by the devil they are waiting for somebody to come and show them how to come out. They are tired of sin, they are tired of being manipulated by demons and they don’t belong there and they know it.
If you don’t go out and tell them, then the anointing in your life is being misused. The anointing is there for battle. You are anointed to fight demons, to break the jails of satan and let the captives go free!

Don't Give up ~ Bishop Wilfred Lai

Bishop WilfredLai ~ Senior Pastor Jesus Celebration Centre, Mombasa, Kenya

Thursday 18 August 2016

The Two Spiritual Laws ~ Dr. Wilfred Lai

Dr. Wilfred Lai ~ Senior Pastor, Jesus Celebration Centre
When you are living for something, you live for it and if you can't live for it, you die for it. This gospel I tell you, we cannot compromise it. You need to be toughened in your faith, believe in God; you are not here just to sit, you are in a training school so that you can go and heal the sick, raise the dead and cast out devils! I am continuing with the message I started on Sunday.

Colossians 3:1-5,8 Romans 8:1-6
There are two spiritual laws at work and you cannot live outside both; the law of the Spirit & life and the law of Sin & death. Life means enjoying all things that God has given; not living like the heathen chasing money. Money should be chasing you if you are living under the anointing because the law of the Spirit has given us all things. The things of the flesh are physical and material. If you don't kill the five things we talked about on Sunday, you are living in the flesh. It's only people who are in the flesh who fear death but when you are in the Spirit, you are not afraid of death because you died and your life is hidden with Christ in God. That means the enemy has to look for you, the world has to look for you, the flesh has to look for you because what died is your former man and Christ became your life. 
Colossians 3:5,8 tells us the things to put off and the things to kill. The world is going to be judged because of those things. We must be free from what the world will be judged of if we are to judge the world together with Christ. You need to set your mind on things above and stop thinking like everybody else. In other words, you must live a Spiritual life. 

The things that are above are spiritual. Romans 8:1, if you don’t want to live under condemnation, you must not walk in the flesh. You do not become a sinner by sinning, you are born a sinner. Don’t call small children little angels, they are little sinners because they are born in sin. They don’t sin because they like it, there is a law. If you don’t understand this, you will try to build a righteousness of your own and it will fail. Let me tell you, the flesh, this body we live in never gets saved, it is weak because of sin. Sin has demoted us and brought us to a place where there is no glory. When you get into Christ, you become a new creature and you become a target of the enemy. What is the enemy targeting? Its found in 1 John 2:20 ‘the anointing from the Holy one’.  You are hid in God through Christ by the glory (the presence of God) that overshadows you and builds a canopy over you. The enemy has no other agenda, he wants to get you out of there! 

What is this anointing? This is what gives you the ability to know all things and that is why Apostle Paul was saying, ‘I can do all things’. Let me tell you, when you allow yourself to stay in the glory, you will know all things and even when you are making a mistake you will know. The enemy knows he has no power to take you to hell after you get saved and so he targets to get you out of the glory.

Romans 8:4, When we don’t live according to the flesh, we have overcome the law of sin and death and so we live a victorious life and bear the fruit of the Spirit. Have you seen people who are born again but they have no joy? It is because they are living in the flesh. They believe everything the devil orchestrates against them. Have you heard drunkards? Even when they have no money, they say money is not the problem. We should live drunk in the Spirit so that even when things are not going right, we don’t speak wrong because we know they will turn around for our good! We have no business hating those who hate us because we are a royal priesthood, a chosen generation! We are unique! Do you want to live in peace? Romans 8:6 is very clear, then be spiritually minded.

I will give you an assignment that demonstrates how dangerous it is to live in the flesh yet you are anointed. The story of Samson in Judges 16. When you are living in the flesh, you cannot even sense when you are operating with an agent of the devil. Samson could not tell who Delilah was. He was anointed but living in the flesh. Let me tell you, the anointing cannot stop you from sinning, it’s only the Spirit of God who can stop you. When you have an anointing, you can sin and still work out miracles and that is the foolishness of many pastors today; because God is moving, they still drink beer. They don’t understand they are Nazarites and you cannot have two drivers driving the same car; the Spirit of God and wine. God is gracious, He will let you continue but at some point, He will say His Spirit will not wrestle with man. I am here to raise champions and champions don't die with the people they defeat. Samson died together with the Philistines, he died a loser because he did not honour the anointing of God on his life.

I pray that tonight you will know that you are anointed and live like a servant of God. You don’t need anybody’s ordination! I don’t need anybody’s push to go and preach anywhere. My C.V is Jesus Christ and if you don’t need that, then you don’t need me! The anointing over my life introduces me. When you preach the gospel under the anointing, some will accept you and tell others about you and some will criticise you. Don’t accept to be manipulated or compromised, the anointing is all you need! Its time to set our eyes on the things that are above. Protect the anointing over your life through prayer. If you don’t play your part, no one can play it and if you play your part well, you will be promoted.

Tuesday 16 August 2016

Thursday 11 August 2016

The Raised Standard ~ Rev. Justus Kimeu

Rev. Justus Kimeu ~ Jesus celebration Centre 
How does the enemy come? The Bible in Isaiah 59:19 says like a flood. I don't know whether most of us have met a flood. Floods are rushing waters that are able to carry anything that is on their way. When God is speaking about the enemy, He knows yet He is so confident about the standard that will be raised. As the church, we must rise and be a powerful dynamic church with authority to challenge the enemy. All forces and principalities must bow! Even if you are two days old in salvation, you carry the power and the DNA of God and that is why the Lord is giving us an offer in Isaiah 14:1-17. 

In verse 1, the Lord says He will show mercy. It doesn't matter how bad your condition is, as long as you are of the covenant, God is on your side and if God be for you, who can be against you? He will repay you what ever Laban stole from you and He will not just give you a salary; He will give you wealth. I don't know what's your standard, but God remains faithful. He will never fail you.  God is raising a standard for you, whoever oppressed you (verse 2) you will oppress them! In verse 3, the Lord says He will give you rest. Rest from sorrow, from fear, from borrowing and from everything that brings you down. I pray that you enter a place of rest and celebration. 

In verse 5, the Lord has broken the authority, power and influence of the rulers who have been cruel against you. We see in verse 8 that there will be victory everywhere; the oppressor will never oppress you again. Verse 9 promises that the one who brought evil is being waited for in hell. The good news in verse 11 and 12, 15 is that your enemy will fall and be finished. He who has been weakening the church will completely be destroyed. 

Get ready to rise, get ready to occupy because every oppressor will die. Read 2 Kings 19:32-33 and you will see how God is confident about your enemies. God continues to say in Amos 7:1-4 that He will defend you by fire. In this battle of fire, whatever has been weakening or defeating you is going to be under your feet! You will never be oppressed again, you are going to walk with God in a new level of faith because God is raising a standard.

Wednesday 10 August 2016

Uaminifu ~ Pastor Flora Kaguo

Today, we bring you a powerful word that was preached by Pastor Flora Kaguo from Tanzania, at JCC Buxton Centre during our Swahili service. The depth of the revelation in this word is worth listening to.

To get the full copy of the message and further inquiries, kindly contact us on +254 721748965 or email us on,

Tuesday 9 August 2016

Apostolic Grace ~ Dr. Wilfred Lai

Dr. Wilfred Lai ~ Senior Pastor, Jesus Celebration Centre, Mombasa, Kenya
The Apostolic grace is a spiritual covering given to some for the benefit of all. You find this all over the scriptures, from the Book of Genesis all the way to the Book of Revelation. Even before the law was given, grace was at work. 

Genesis 6:8 says “But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord”.  Grace is given because God appoints or chooses a man and pours upon him grace, it doesn’t mean others don’t have it. That is why it is very important to understand this because lack of knowledge will limit you. Knowledge will push you to levels that others will struggle to get to. This is why I choose not to tell stories but to preach the Word of God and to put the wisdom of God in your heart so that you walk as a conqueror.

Religion has absolutely made the church senseless concerning the things of the Spirit, but we cannot be ignorant of the schemes of the devil because deception is the order of the day today. If you don’t have the ability to discern you become vulnerable. They say not everything that glitters is gold. Not everybody that comes carrying the Bible is sent to you and not everyone that comes carrying the Bible is preaching the Gospel. There are many gospels that can be taken from the Bible and there are many people preaching all kinds of things. You need to have the ability to know what’s going on without anybody telling you. You need to be able to discern. 

I pray that your understanding will be touched by the anointing because it is only the anointing that can stir the inner man to be able to do this. Some of you reading this are meant to be great preachers, nobody will tell you that. You need an anointing to sit on you. Some of you reading are meant to heal the sick and cast out devils and probably no one will come and tell you that but when you are under an Apostolic grace and your spiritual antennas are up, you will hear something and you will be able to know what is going on.