Wednesday 24 August 2016

Tapping Into The Annointing ~ Dr. Wilfred Lai

Dr. Wilfred Lai ~ Jesus Celebration Centre, Mombasa, Kenya
God is looking.
He is not looking for people who are ordained, He is looking for people who can believe! If you can believe, you are a candidate for the works of God. He doesn’t care whether you are young or old. I started preaching the gospel when I was in form two just after salvation and I have never stopped. We do not do the work of the ministry, we demonstrate the work of the ministry as a training for you to go into the great harvest. You know where it is? It is in the market place where you are selling your product, it is in your place of work, it is in the place where you are doing your business. The harvest is right there in the college where you are doing your studies. It is everywhere! 
People need the Lord everywhere! God has put you there to represent the Kingdom of heaven. Jesus told the disciples to make this announcement everywhere; “… the kingdom of heaven is at hand,” Matthew 10:7. You are carrying the Kingdom! Everywhere you go you need to tell people the Kingdom has just come! When they ask you, where is it? You tell them, 'I am carrying it, when I entered here the Kingdom just entered!' You need to get a little bit excited about who you are in Christ Jesus; you carry the Kingdom and when you enter somewhere, say shalom, peace; “But whatever house you enter, first say, ‘Peace to this house.’ And if a son of peace is there, your peace will rest on it; if not, it will return to you,” Luke 10:5-6. 
Jesus said, if the son of peace is there, your peace will remain with them but if the son of peace is not there, your peace returns to you. You see, there are people out there who belong to the Kingdom, they are in the night club right now drinking. Some of them are busy carjacking, stealing, and doing all kinds of things but they are sons of peace; they are being involved in stuff that they are not part of. This is why we do not go to look for people and try to convince them to get saved, we go to look for the harvest that is ready. Jesus said the harvest is ready. There are people out there who are tired of being misused by the devil they are waiting for somebody to come and show them how to come out. They are tired of sin, they are tired of being manipulated by demons and they don’t belong there and they know it.
If you don’t go out and tell them, then the anointing in your life is being misused. The anointing is there for battle. You are anointed to fight demons, to break the jails of satan and let the captives go free!

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