Monday 29 August 2016

Dry Bones Revived ~ Dr. Wilfred Lai

Bishop Wilfred Lai ~ Jesus Celebration Centre
Everything that is visible begins from the Spirit. 

The visible is an evidence of the unseen. The fact that you can see physical things right now is a sign that the spiritual realm is real. Why do I say that? Because in the beginning while there was nothing, God was there. Every thing you see now was birthed by a word of prophecy. 

In Ezekiel 37:1-11, that valley was not a physical one but Ezekiel was in the realm of the Spirit where  the valley was. In verse 3, God asked Ezekiel whether the bones can live, meaning, can they appear in the physical? Ezekiel replied that God knows. So God told him to do his job, to prophesy! I came to tell you that everything that has died can live again. Everything that you have lost can come back again. God is asking you the same question he asked Ezekiel, 'do you believe?' 

Before you know something, you are not ready for it. Before you know you are healed, you are not ready for it, but the moment you know, you speak to the disease what you know, that you are healed! In verse 11, God told Ezekiel the dry bones was the whole house of Israel and they were dry and their hope was lost. If God was talking to me today, He would tell me the dry bones is the church.
I came to prophesy, it doesn't matter the condition of the church right now, we are about to become a great army, we are about to become a power! For that to happen, we must see the Lord high and lifted up just like Isaiah 6:1. He is lifted higher than all principalities, higher than all powers, higher than every condition, higher than everything!

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