Thursday 18 August 2016

The Two Spiritual Laws ~ Dr. Wilfred Lai

Dr. Wilfred Lai ~ Senior Pastor, Jesus Celebration Centre
When you are living for something, you live for it and if you can't live for it, you die for it. This gospel I tell you, we cannot compromise it. You need to be toughened in your faith, believe in God; you are not here just to sit, you are in a training school so that you can go and heal the sick, raise the dead and cast out devils! I am continuing with the message I started on Sunday.

Colossians 3:1-5,8 Romans 8:1-6
There are two spiritual laws at work and you cannot live outside both; the law of the Spirit & life and the law of Sin & death. Life means enjoying all things that God has given; not living like the heathen chasing money. Money should be chasing you if you are living under the anointing because the law of the Spirit has given us all things. The things of the flesh are physical and material. If you don't kill the five things we talked about on Sunday, you are living in the flesh. It's only people who are in the flesh who fear death but when you are in the Spirit, you are not afraid of death because you died and your life is hidden with Christ in God. That means the enemy has to look for you, the world has to look for you, the flesh has to look for you because what died is your former man and Christ became your life. 
Colossians 3:5,8 tells us the things to put off and the things to kill. The world is going to be judged because of those things. We must be free from what the world will be judged of if we are to judge the world together with Christ. You need to set your mind on things above and stop thinking like everybody else. In other words, you must live a Spiritual life. 

The things that are above are spiritual. Romans 8:1, if you don’t want to live under condemnation, you must not walk in the flesh. You do not become a sinner by sinning, you are born a sinner. Don’t call small children little angels, they are little sinners because they are born in sin. They don’t sin because they like it, there is a law. If you don’t understand this, you will try to build a righteousness of your own and it will fail. Let me tell you, the flesh, this body we live in never gets saved, it is weak because of sin. Sin has demoted us and brought us to a place where there is no glory. When you get into Christ, you become a new creature and you become a target of the enemy. What is the enemy targeting? Its found in 1 John 2:20 ‘the anointing from the Holy one’.  You are hid in God through Christ by the glory (the presence of God) that overshadows you and builds a canopy over you. The enemy has no other agenda, he wants to get you out of there! 

What is this anointing? This is what gives you the ability to know all things and that is why Apostle Paul was saying, ‘I can do all things’. Let me tell you, when you allow yourself to stay in the glory, you will know all things and even when you are making a mistake you will know. The enemy knows he has no power to take you to hell after you get saved and so he targets to get you out of the glory.

Romans 8:4, When we don’t live according to the flesh, we have overcome the law of sin and death and so we live a victorious life and bear the fruit of the Spirit. Have you seen people who are born again but they have no joy? It is because they are living in the flesh. They believe everything the devil orchestrates against them. Have you heard drunkards? Even when they have no money, they say money is not the problem. We should live drunk in the Spirit so that even when things are not going right, we don’t speak wrong because we know they will turn around for our good! We have no business hating those who hate us because we are a royal priesthood, a chosen generation! We are unique! Do you want to live in peace? Romans 8:6 is very clear, then be spiritually minded.

I will give you an assignment that demonstrates how dangerous it is to live in the flesh yet you are anointed. The story of Samson in Judges 16. When you are living in the flesh, you cannot even sense when you are operating with an agent of the devil. Samson could not tell who Delilah was. He was anointed but living in the flesh. Let me tell you, the anointing cannot stop you from sinning, it’s only the Spirit of God who can stop you. When you have an anointing, you can sin and still work out miracles and that is the foolishness of many pastors today; because God is moving, they still drink beer. They don’t understand they are Nazarites and you cannot have two drivers driving the same car; the Spirit of God and wine. God is gracious, He will let you continue but at some point, He will say His Spirit will not wrestle with man. I am here to raise champions and champions don't die with the people they defeat. Samson died together with the Philistines, he died a loser because he did not honour the anointing of God on his life.

I pray that tonight you will know that you are anointed and live like a servant of God. You don’t need anybody’s ordination! I don’t need anybody’s push to go and preach anywhere. My C.V is Jesus Christ and if you don’t need that, then you don’t need me! The anointing over my life introduces me. When you preach the gospel under the anointing, some will accept you and tell others about you and some will criticise you. Don’t accept to be manipulated or compromised, the anointing is all you need! Its time to set our eyes on the things that are above. Protect the anointing over your life through prayer. If you don’t play your part, no one can play it and if you play your part well, you will be promoted.