Thursday 4 August 2016

Women On Fire Ladies Conference Day 1 Session 2.

The Co-host of this great conference, our Papa Bishop Wilfred Lai has just finished ministering on the topic;
Vessels Ready for Use.
Luke 1:26-45, 2 Timothy 2:20-21
This afternoon, we have gathered here because Jesus is preparing us for His great work. It doesn't matter where you came from, it doesn't matter what people think about you, you have come because God is setting you up for something. He brought you to Women on Fire because He is preparing you to become a vessel that can be used for every good work. God is not looking for special people, He is looking for people like you! I believe that everytime God is about to do something, women play a major role. When God wanted to send the Saviour to the world, He looked for a woman. When God cannot find a man to lead a battle, He anoints a woman to lead the men to battle!
When the Angel came to Mary, he told her words that didn't make sense. That is the difference between men and women. The same Angel had gone to Zechariah a few months ago and told him that his wife will conceive but he didn't believe. The problem of Zechariah is the problem of many people. You have been praying but are you ready because what you were praying for has come? Do you know why Zechariah was made dumb? Because the words we speak carry supernatural power and they can abort the miracle that you have prayed so much for.
Let me tell you what I have been praying, that God will find someone in this conference who is ready! I don't know why you are here but I will tell you the reason; God will make you birth something that will reveal why you were created and manifest you to the world! Nobody determines what kind of a vessel you will be in the house of God, it is you! In a great house there are many different vessels and some cannot be used before the King, they are just for ordinary use.
God is going to raise women from this conference whose voices cannot be silenced. I am not suggesting, I am a messenger of God! God said He is checking you out to see whether you are ready. You must be ready like Mary. God is going to use weak vessels to do great things. The Holy Spirit will overshadow you and that is why this conference is called Women on Fire, women who look like the burning bush! When God sets you up, you don't need a man to set you up! You don't even need oil, you have been anointed too many times! I am talking about Power! Power! That power will come on those who believe, you are not limited, you don't need man's approval, only believe! God is not going to use everybody, He is looking for somebody.

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