Tuesday 9 August 2016

Apostolic Grace ~ Dr. Wilfred Lai

Dr. Wilfred Lai ~ Senior Pastor, Jesus Celebration Centre, Mombasa, Kenya
The Apostolic grace is a spiritual covering given to some for the benefit of all. You find this all over the scriptures, from the Book of Genesis all the way to the Book of Revelation. Even before the law was given, grace was at work. 

Genesis 6:8 says “But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord”.  Grace is given because God appoints or chooses a man and pours upon him grace, it doesn’t mean others don’t have it. That is why it is very important to understand this because lack of knowledge will limit you. Knowledge will push you to levels that others will struggle to get to. This is why I choose not to tell stories but to preach the Word of God and to put the wisdom of God in your heart so that you walk as a conqueror.

Religion has absolutely made the church senseless concerning the things of the Spirit, but we cannot be ignorant of the schemes of the devil because deception is the order of the day today. If you don’t have the ability to discern you become vulnerable. They say not everything that glitters is gold. Not everybody that comes carrying the Bible is sent to you and not everyone that comes carrying the Bible is preaching the Gospel. There are many gospels that can be taken from the Bible and there are many people preaching all kinds of things. You need to have the ability to know what’s going on without anybody telling you. You need to be able to discern. 

I pray that your understanding will be touched by the anointing because it is only the anointing that can stir the inner man to be able to do this. Some of you reading this are meant to be great preachers, nobody will tell you that. You need an anointing to sit on you. Some of you reading are meant to heal the sick and cast out devils and probably no one will come and tell you that but when you are under an Apostolic grace and your spiritual antennas are up, you will hear something and you will be able to know what is going on.


  1. Wow! This is Spiritually deep stuff. Thank you Bishop. I need this Grace and Anointing

  2. Thankyou Bishop for being such a blessing to the world.

  3. Amen Amen, help me Lord that my Antennas will always be up
