Mrs. Rita Lai

Mrs. Rita Lai is the Operations Director of Jesus Celebration Center (JCC) Mombasa and a Director of JCC Education Complex that comprises of Junior School and High School. She is in-charge of Women Ministry and Children Ministry at JCC church. She teaches both Certificate and Diploma Classes at the school of Ministry-a ministerial training in Mombasa and she is one of the trustees of Wilfred Lai Foundation which is one of the arms of JCC Ministry that gives back to the community by bringing hope to hundreds of the less fortunate in the society.
God has graced her with a special ministry to Pastors wives that has had a great impact to many whose lives have been transformed across Kenya and other nations. She hosts an annual ladies conference every August called 'Women on Fire'.
Mrs. Rita Lai is the author of best selling book- On Eagle's Wings (A story of a dream come true) that has sold over 3000 copies since its launch in the year 2011. The book tells the journey of her husband and the ministry through her eyes.


  1. I love my spiritual mum. She is a pillar to many ladies and me.

  2. Beautiful and blessed mum a role model to many.we are blessed to have you.

  3. Enter your comment...Golden Mummy.Love you all the way!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Praise God Mother, My name is Akello Frederick mine is a challenge that i have been battling with since 2013 but in vain since i have never gotten the assistance. It's about higher education to make me relevant in this generation and the nations a s a whole. Since i lost the chance to join Maseno university in 2013 due to lack of financial facilitation to see me thru education, i have been suffering since the zeal to study is there but the means is a problem. I appel to you that if there is a way you can assist me realize my dreams i'll be grateful to God and to you for giving me a chance to a part os the solution to the high rate of illiteracy. God bless you i am currently a member of JCC Thika formerly i was in JCC Maseno, and JCC KIsumu. For more information my cell phone number is 0799561899

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  24. As i write this i clearly remember Mum Rita Lai and Bishop Kwake interviewing me before i was given a chance to serve at the JCC EDUCATIONAL COMPLEX.This is where i became a better teacher.I never served any other place in Mombasa until i was employed by TSC in our County.Mum i still remember your Love and Care.May our God Bless you Mum.Ahsante Sana.Wewe ni Shujaa wangu.

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