Thursday 25 August 2016

Revival ~ Bishop Wilfred Lai

Bishop Wilfred Lai ~ Senior Pastor, Jesus Celebration Centre
Anything that takes you away from the presence of God is sin.
Today, there is a word to bring down your mountains because you can't keep going round mountains! I want us to ask God a powerful question in Psalm 85:6. The Psalmist is asking,
 "will You not revive us again, that Your people may rejoice in you?" 
'Again' is a word that indicates something had happened before. When as a child of God you are not revived, you don't have joy (at least the joy of the Lord) and therefore you don't have strength. So, what is revival? Revival is when God comes to you, when His presence is evident in your life, in a congregation, in a city and in a Nation. Revival does not begin with a big congregation, when God's presence is evident in your life, then you are in the midst of revival. 

I want you to know that God wants you to live in Him. When you are in revival, it doesn't matter what happens around you, you will always have joy. When revival comes, things that show our God is a God of impossibility begin to happen.  

I pray that God will open our eyes that we may see the loss of living away from His presence.

Isaiah 64:1-5 gives us the answer to our question. When God comes down in your life, things begin to happen! He comes down to make those things that have been stopped by mountains to happen. I came to tell you that the Lord will cause the mountains that have been before you to be flattened. Those things that have been an obstacle to you don't fear your degrees or who you know, they will only melt at the presence of God. You have done your best but it has amounted to nothing, I have come to tell you there is a way; His presence.  Everyday God visited Adam in the garden of Eden and that is why there was no sickness, poverty and Adam had a creative mind that knew everything (wisdom &understanding) and that is why he could name everything that God created and not make a mistake. The mountains that surrounded him were not mountains of obstacles but mountains of wealth. May God cause all the mountains that have surrounded you to be mountains of wealth! You can't be in His presence and be controlled by obstacles! In His presence, you will stand and decree a word and it will be established. Those witches that are disturbing you, you only need to stand in the presence of God and declare that whatever they are planning against you will turn against them and their children. You cannot be a mountain taker by massaging demons!

In the Apostle's time, the Church met daily. The sin of Hebrews 10:25 is the greatest obstacle hindering revival in the church today; and we continue in it! Revival left when the church chased away the Holy Spirit and became Sunday worshippers! In this church, we give you the opportunity to start the day like Jesus early in the morning in all our centres. We also have Grace hour services and three unity services because we have to keep the fire burning in this city. Are you willing to pay the price? Come out of the shallow waters and launch into the deep where revival is!

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