Thursday 15 September 2016

Petitioning Your Case Part 3 ~ Rev. Justus Kimeu

Rev. Justus Kimeu ~ Jesus Celebration Centre, Mombasa, Kenya
Many times when we set ourselves to pray, prayers return to us unanswered. That happened to David in Psalm 35:13. When that happens, you need to know one secret; the power of mercy. When God deals with you according to His mercy, pure grace will come to you. 

Matthew 15:21-28 
The Canaanite woman came to Jesus asking for mercy because she knew where there is mercy there is no law. She called Jesus Son of David (people who called Jesus in that name had a revelation) but He kept quite.

When that happens to you, never forget this; He is still there. The disciples came to Jesus and told Him to send her away because she was now crying after them. This woman was a persistent woman, in verse 24 Jesus tells her He was only sent to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. I want you to know that those who have a revelation knows that He came for all! Refuse to be refused! The woman, even after such an answer knelt before Him, called Him Lord, worshiped and asked for mercy. When you are not able to hear God, worship Him because He can never ignore worship. Speak in tongues and you will be amazed at how He will come through for you.

You can never petition a case if you are just a weakling. If you are easily discouraged, you can’t fight spiritual battles! Even when people despise you, still worship God because you never came for them, When the woman silenced the disciples, they never spoke again. The best way to fight your enemies is to go to a higher level. The problem with you is that you go back to your enemies to answer them. 

So many people appear before God like victims looking for sympathy but nothing should be an excuse for you to appear before God weak. How long will you look for sympathy while God is looking for your faith? When the Shunammite woman lost her child, she didn’t look for sympathy (2 Kings 4), she knew she could petition! Some of you quit just before your miracle, you need to know God is there and is a rewarder of those who seek Him diligently. You have the right to petition and He has the power to decide otherwise! You need to know who your God is, you need to be persuaded of His and power and that is why the woman in Luke 18:1-8 could not be stopped! You can never petition if you don’t have faith but if you have faith, you have the answer. When you have faith, you have authority over God and that is why King Hezekiah (2 Kings 20) changed what God had said. 

The daughters of Zelophehad petitioned against the law and Moses had to go before God to ask for direction concerning them. God gave their petition and their case became a precedent for the rest (Numbers 27). It doesn’t matter what they have written or said about you, let your case be the precedent of how others should be handled! How long will you stay with your case? Whatever you have given up on and you have even started saying, ‘sio mapenzi ya Mungu’ (it’s not God’s will) arise and bring it to God because there is no situation that can challenge Him!

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