Sunday 11 September 2016

Petitioning Your Case ~ Rev. Justus Kimeu

Rev. Justus Kimeu ~ Jesus Celebration Centre, Mombasa
Enemies have no reason to attack empty people.

Daniel 6:4-18

There are many reasons and grounds that can bring a charge against you. Most of the battles against your life are as a result of your potential or success. If there is nothing happening against you, you are  not going far. If you see opposition against your children, its because they have a great future. The governors and satraps looked for reasons to accuse Daniel on the basis of his work but they found none because he was faithful and so they decided to accuse him on the basis of his faith. If your enemies are against you, they will put a charge which they think you cannot survive. So the king signed the decree but Daniel went on to pray as was his custom. I have realized one of the dangers of Pentecostal Christians is that when they get blessed, they don't dwell in the house of God anymore.

Philippians 4:6 says we should not be anxious but pray. Those who are able to pray are able to petition in whatever situation. Daniel petitioned for what could not be altered or changed according to the laws of Medes and Persians. They went to the king to accuse Daniel but he had already gone to the heavenly King.You need to know where power is! The king was displeased with himself and in verse 18, he spent the night awake and in fasting. That was a Babylonian king yet so may Christians despise fasting; they are too selfish, self-contained, self-sufficient and proud.

Isaiah 40:23 confirms that our God is able to make the judges of the earth useless. Our God is a mighty God, He is able to make useless judgments and everything else that has been decided against you. Those who conspired against Daniel together with their families were crushed by the lions even before they touched the ground. God will rise on your behalf and crush whatever has been decided against you. In verse 28, Daniel who was supposed to perish prospered! There is power in petitioning! I announce under the anointing that you will not perish but you will prosper!

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