Sunday 18 September 2016

A New heart to Posses your Possessions ~ Rev. Justus Kimeu

Rev. Justus Kimeu ~ Jesus Celebration Centre
The life that God has called us to live as believers is a contested life. The devil is envious and threatened by what God wants you to become.
Ezekiel 11:13-25, Matthew 9:17

Ezekiel is lifted in a vision and showed the entire house of Israel under oppression and their land given out. I want to say today in the name of Jesus, you are going to posses your possessions. What God has given us as an inheritance, we will not allow the enemy to steal it away. The children of Israel were in captivity and that is why their land was taken. So many of us are in captivity today and that is why we have not possessed our possessions. God said He will give the Israelite's their land. The first agenda to get back to God is repentance. When you take away what is not acceptable, you are ready to receive what is acceptable. In verse 19, God says He will give them one heart and give them a new Spirit.

The plan of God for all of us seated here is that we have one heart and God will put a new Spirit in the one heart and remove the heart of stone. A stony heart is one that is used to doing things in a certain way and does not change, even when it rains, it remains the same. A stony heart leads to stiff neck and that is why the glory of God not stay with the Israelite's because they were a stiff necked people. God wants to give you a heart of flesh that can be teachable and accommodates God.
There are two types of people; those who walk in their own way and those who walk after God. The difference is spiritualism and carnality. You can be anointed in two ways; by God to walk in the Spirit or by the devil to walk in the flesh and be carnally minded. The devil may not take you to captivity but he puts a yoke in your life. It controls you freedom and makes you do the things that you don't want; you want to pray but you cant. When the devil bewitches you(Gal 3:1), you dont obey the truth, you begin to obey yourself and when you continue like that, your heart becomes a stone but I want you to know that it is possible to break the yoke (Isaiah 10:27). When God anoints you with power, it fattens you and on that same day, whatever the devil had organized to destroy you is destroyed. I want you to desire today that a new heart and a new Spirit will come over you. That thing that you desire, that thing that you used to have, you can't get it until you get a new heart and a new Spirit because a crafty heart of flattery will not get there. Have a sincere and steadfast heart before God. I pray that God will rise and fight whatever has been standing against you and put it in perpetual shame! I pray that there will be a new standard of obedience, faithfulness and love so that the glory of God will come over us. I pray that you will follow God fully and that the spirit of the enemy will not take you out of your possesion

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