Sunday 4 September 2016

To Conquer And Occupy ~ Dr. Wilfred Lai

Dr. Wilfred Lai ~ Senior Pastor, Jesus Celebration Center, Mombasa
If you don't conquer, you don't occupy.

1 Samuel 17, 1 Timothy 6:12
Let me tell you, the Almighty God does not give you something that is gathering dust for you to go, wipe it and occupy, whatever He gives you is already occupied and you must go and conquer! I said revival comes when God shows up. God does not only show up as a healer, provider and all these other aspects, He also shows up as a fighter. He comes to take away the reproach of His people. When you live in the presence of God, you cannot loose a battle. The Bible tells of how the children of Israel were faced by a battle. Goliath looked at their armies and didn't see anybody who could match him physically. That's how sometimes people who walk with God look like. I came to tell you it doesn't matter how you look like, when God is with you, you can do great things. When David came to that valley, he was not even coming to fight but God was bringing him to fight. When he heard how Goliath defied the army of God, he asked what will be given to the person who will kill him. He was told that the king will enrich that man, give him his daughter in marriage and his family will be exempted from taxes. That is what happens when you conquer. There are some giants that have been setting up to defy you but I came to say when you conquer the Lord will enrich enrich you! When you conquer, you will join the royal family and your family will also experience the blessing!

David did not look like he could fight Goliath even before the eyes of Saul and his first battle was to fight those who didn't believe in him. For many of you, giants are not the problem but the people around you who don't understand your greatness has nothing with your physique, it has to do with what is in the inside of you because the one who lives in you is greater! You need a weapon to fight the word of men! David testified to Saul and told him that the Lord who delivered him from the bear and the lion will also deliver him from the sword, the spear and the javelin of the giant! David knew his challenge was God's challenge.You must have a testimony to overcome the fear that is created by men or by what you feel or see. Faith will explode when you are challenged and it does not come from the outside but from God because He is in you. Goliath saw David and mocked him. That's a good thing because when your enemies under estimate you, you will shock them! Goliath cursed David by his gods. A curse makes you weak, ordinary poor but David did not fear. Why? Anybody who is not over you cannot curse you and if they curse you, they are jokers! If you have been cursed, then you need a power that is greater than the one who cursed you to reverse the curse and I came in my Apostolic office to reverse every curse upon your life! You need to know you have a name that is greater than the one who cursed you; the name of Jesus!

1 Timothy 6:12 says we fight the good fight. How do you fight? Through the good confession; saying what God says. It is the testimony that you give among many witnesses. We must testify because if you can talk about what God has already done, He will do what He wants to do. The enemy does not have a body, he uses those who have bodies and sends them to you to water down what you are hearing right now! I tell you the truth, those people who come to tell you what you can't do are sent by the devil and they might not even know it, some could be your friends and family members! I want you to know that you will be like David! David could only fight because he was in revival, Saul had already lost it. You are not going to kill the giants or conquer your enemies by physical means, you need to begin seeking God like gold and silver; seek Him early in the morning - don't sleep when you are supposed to pray- get loaded and connect to the power! If you believe what I am teaching this morning, no devil or man will be able to stop you! Your time to conquer and occupy has come.

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