Monday 19 September 2016

Seed Time and Harvest Time Will Never Cease ~ Dr. Wilfred Lai

Dr. Wilfred Lai ~ Senior pastor, Jesus Celebration Center
What a mighty God we serve! He watches our going out and our coming in. It is wonderful to be back home and to see all of you. Jesus is Lord! It doesn't matter what you are going through or what you are feeling. Jesus is Lord over the tall, over the short, over the devil and the demons and over those who love Him and those who mock Him. Those who mock Him are just doing so ignorantly because one day they will bow before Him. Jesus is not one of the lords, He is the Lord and all the great bow before Him.

Genesis 8:20-22
There are certain things that will never cease as long as the earth remains. Whatever a man sows, He will reap. Man is responsible for the seed and God is responsible for the harvest. I want to show you something that will change your life.The Holy Ghost will always prompt you and when you don't listen, you delay your life. The year 2016 is our year of health and prosperity. How will you get it? Serve the Lord your God (Exodus 23:25). The enemy will always want to delay the people of God by making them ordinary. Let me tell you, God saved you to be different and you are not supposed to be like everybody else. The Holy Ghost is like a wind, He will prompt you to move in the direction of your blessing. You are not called to struggle but to be blessed and when you are blessed you become a blessing. God brought you here to be covered by the six anointings that I carry and one of them is to have money. If you don't want to be blessed you are in the wrong church.

When the waters resided and Noah came out of the Ark, God did not tell him to built an altar and offer sacrifice but Noah knew life has begun and when life begins, you turn to the giver of life. God doesn't ask you to give what you don't have, God gives seed to the sower. The moment you become a sower, God will give you seed. Let me explain seed; its the beginning of life. Everything that is alive begins with seed. Every time you become a sower, your life of prosperity begins. I know seed is a word that the church has begun fearing because the devil has started using it. The most important seed is not material, it's the word. Jesus said (John 6:63) that His word is Spirit and life. I am what I am today by the grace of God because of the revelation that I have about seed. Everything that I have is a result of seed. I am a very hard working person but I don't work to succeed, I work hard because God command us to do so. Laziness is sin, when you idle around, you are a sinning believer! That's why 2 Thessalonians 3:10 says he who does not work should not eat. What happens when you don't eat? You die. You should never die premature so wake up and work!  God will bless the work of your hands so that you can have seed, if you don't put your hands into something, God has nothing to bless. Noah labored for 100 years to get the people of his time to turn to God and he build a very big Ark, can I call it church? Just like today, we labor to preach the word but some laugh and push it away. If you read the scripture carefully, you will notice Noah was told to take 2 pairs of the unclean animals in the Ark but 7 pairs of the clean animals. Why? God was preparing seed for Himself ahead of time. In Genesis 9:1, God blessed him and told him to be fruitful- God was not only talking about having children because if you get 20 of them, what will you feed them on, how will they go to school? - That is the original blessing. It is the same one that was given to Adam in the garden of Eden.What is it that prompted God to give Noah that blessing? It is in Genesis 8:21.

Do you remember when God cursed the ground after Adam sinned? When the ground is not producing and the rain does not come at the right time, its a sign of a curse. Dry places are habitations of demons. In places where they practice witchcraft, it doesn't rain and when it rains it's disastrous. It was never in the plan of God for man to live in poverty. Poverty is a curse. When you have enough, you are still poor. You are rich if you have more than enough. The curse of poverty does not start with lack of money but lack of communion with God. If you are feeding your children on tithe, you are just killing them. If you are not giving tithe from your business, you are just killing it.

May you begin to obey everything that is written in this word because it is for your good. When the Holy Spirit prompts you, move! Don't give an excuse. That way, you will be fruitful and fill the earth.

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