Thursday 1 September 2016

The Realm Of The Spirit ~ Dr. Wilfred Lai

Dr. Wilfred Lai~ Jesus Celebration Center, Mombasa
I want you to understand the realm of the spirit is real. God declared everything that we see from the realm of the spirit. When you understand this, you will be able to pray effectively and two, you will be more focused because sometimes the things that we see around us distract us from following what God has for us.  

Numbers 22 & 23
Altars are used to bless and also to curse. From the above scriptures, Balak who is the King of Moab calls Balaam who is a prophet of the other world- a diviner- to curse the children of Israel so that he may overcome them. That is the power of the spiritual realm; curses. That is what they use to stagnate the people of God. I want you to understand, everything that is hindered; may be a ministry in you, your business, your family life, is all controlled from the realm of the spirit. The children of darkness understand this more than the children of light because it is not taught a lot. Balak even sent elders to Balaam with a diviner's fee. You need to understand the world of the spirit so that when you pray you release something and that is why you cannot afford to pray with your mouth shut! Life and death is in the power of the tongue, so don't pray those religious prayers of saying you are praying in your heart. 

Balaam was a man who was high in the realm of the spirit, whoever he cursed was cursed and whoever he blessed was blessed. Do you know when you are walking with God and God is on your side your enemies know? God meets Balaam on his way to curse the children of Israel and stops him. When you see God coming to meet with a diviner, he was dangerous! God will meet with those sorcerers before they curse you because He is your defence! Sometimes, we don't understand that the one who is in us is greater than the one who is in the world. However, He cannot operate in us without our knowledge. How does He operate? By you opening your mouth and releasing power in the name of Jesus! In the realm of the spirit demons must know you and angels must know you! That is why you need to stay connected to the altar because when you are playing church, demons see you naked!

God stopped Balaam from going to curse the children of Israel but when he disobeyed, God became angry and sent an angel with a sword against him and until the donkey started talking, Balaam had not seen the angel and when he did, he bowed down. When your enemies bow down, finished! They are under your authority. So when he went to the king of Moab, he could not curse the people of God even when Balak tried to take him on different mountains (altars) of the gods of Moab. 
What is the evidence that God is with you? Blessing! When God is in a ministry, there is a blessing and nothing can stop that. So why does your enemies do better than you? That can only happen if they have someone somewhere cursing you. 

If you don't understand the realm of the spirit, you will ask, " why does pastor tell us to wake up so early while others are sleeping?" You don't know where you are, you are anointed to do something dangerous! The devil has fought your prayer so that you don't stay connected to the power that is in this altar. Where we are going, we cannot afford to play church games!

1 comment:

  1. wooow understanding the power of the spiritual realm great teaching may God help us understand the power that has been given to us.
