Wednesday 14 September 2016

Word Explosion Camp Meeting 2016 Invite ~ Bishop Wilfred and Mrs. Rita Lai

God spoke to me and said, prepare my people because I am bringing the Church into 7 years of harvest. They are going to be the greatest years that you have ever lived and those things that you have longed to see will be fulfilled in this season. 2 years of the harvest have already elapsed. There are still 5 more years to go. 

Five is the number of Grace; it speaks of what you will receive without your effort or being smarter than those around you. In this season, God is bringing you to a place where you will ride on another man's favor. 

Welcome to the 24th Word Explosion Camp Meeting. We challenge all Pastors and Church Leaders to come and be partakers of this great move of God.

God bless you as you plan to attend. May the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be your portion in this great season of Revival. We love you and we are praying for you. Shalom!


  1. Thanks Mum and Daddy for the invite.Thanks too for being so mindful of our destinies.Am personally grateful

  2. I am blessed to partner with JCC FAMILY. Am a witness to the grace of God upon dad's life..

  3. Thanks Papa and Mama for this great invitation. I will attend.
