Wednesday 6 July 2016

You and Your Pastor

Focus Unity Service- Jesus Celebration Center (Buxton)

Apostle Michael Wambua

Topic: You and Your Pastor

Speaker: Apostle Michael Wambua

Scriptures: Jeremiah 3:15, Isaiah 5:13, Amos 3:7, Hosea 4:6, 2 Samuel 23:15-16, 1 Samuel 14:7

You are supposed to understand that your Pastor/Man of God is a gift from God. When you come to the house of God, you are supposed to be ready to receive knowledge and understanding. When you have a God given Pastor, there is no way you can be taken to captivity. When you are in church, don't just count yourself as a member; you are a partner.
God will never do anything in your life before passing through the heart of your Pastor. Whatever is supposed to happen in your life is not in the heart of God but in the heart of your Pastor and it is your sensitivity to what is in him that will connect you.
If you want to access the Grace and the Anointing in the man of God in this ministry, you should be close enough to access the desire of his heart. From today, never wait for somebody to do what you are supposed to do. Don't say that the deacons will do it, don't say that another person will do it. You are alone; you and your man of God.
We see from the scriptures that only three mighty men of David understood what was in his heart. in any church today, only 10% understand what is the heart of their Pastor and those are the ones who access the anointing.
Men of God carry great desires in their hearts which are given by God. When you are following a man of God, it can be dangerous but the anointing in his life will protect you.

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