Tuesday 12 July 2016

Walking by Faith Part 2

God has already provided a way of escape for every temptation that comes your way, read 1 Corinthians 10:13.

Dr. Wilfred Lai~ Senior Pastor Jesus Celebration Centre
You must overcome and be a winner because God has great promises for you. You are an heir of the promises of God and as you walk patiently in faith, even if it doesn't happen in the first month, then it will happen in the second month. If the second month is over and what you thought will happen did not, stretch your faith further. Put the word in your mouth, say what you are expecting God to do, mix it with faith and say it several times everyday. That is how you are going to hasten the fulfilment of the promise. Remember the enemy would want you to become miserable, be filled with unbelief and stop hoping and the only way he can stop you from hoping is to switch off your patience. 

You need patience. God is not in a race: He does things on His time and His time is not your time. God's ways are not your ways and that is why He has given you faith and patience. 

Habakkuk 2:2 talks about writing, writing what? Write down what you are expecting. Make the vision clear. Write it down somewhere,  where you can see it all the time so that you can keep on confessing it. 

If the devil told you that you are going to die because of something you are suffering from, he is a liar. You can only die if you give up. 

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