Monday 11 July 2016

Walking by Faith part 1

Dr. Wilfred Lai~ Senior pastor Jesus Celebration Center , Mombasa, Kenya
You need faith to get to where you are going.

God called Abraham to bless him and He has called you to bless you. You are not called to struggle, you are called to be fruitful and to be blessed. You are called to live a life beyond your means. 

God called Abraham and told him, "I am God Almighty, walk before me and be blameless." As long as a child of God is living a life that is pleasing to God, then he/she becomes a candidate of God's blessing upon their lives and every word that God has spoken concerning them will come to pass.

The foundation for God to fulfil every promise that He has given to us is that we must live and walk before Him blameless. In Genesis 17:1-2, we see the call of Abraham;

"When Abram was ninety-nine years old, the Lord appeared to Abram and said to him, “I am Almighty God; walk before Me and be blameless. And I will make My covenant between Me and you, and will multiply you exceedingly.”

We read that Abraham was 99 years old, so he was already past the age of receiving what God had promised him. Hear me, you will not receive what God has promised you because you qualify physically; you will receive because you qualify spiritually.

Physically, Abraham had no ability to father a child but spiritually he was set to be a father according to the promise of God, because the promise of God can never fail.


  1. Thank God .
    Hes faithful.When we walk before him blameless,we are assured of countless spiritual and physical blessing.Hes not a man to lie to us.

  2. Thank God .
    Hes faithful.When we walk before him blameless,we are assured of countless spiritual and physical blessing.Hes not a man to lie to us.
