Sunday 31 July 2016

Your Purpose in The Kingdom

I am so glad to be back home. Every time I travel, I start missing home immediately I get on the first flight. Traveling is not my favourite thing but I have to get out of my comfort zone and help people out there.
Dr. Wilfred Lai ~ Senior Pastor, Jesus Celebration Centre Mombasa, Kenya

I came this morning with a word from the Lord to help you become strong and do what God wants you to do. Our reading comes from Esther 4:10-17. The story of Esther is so moving, she became Queen in a land that was not her own. She was a Jew but Mordecai had told her to keep her identity secret (there are places you need to reveal your identity and there are others you need to conceal it). I want you to know that God had brought Esther into this position with a purpose. God has brought you here with a purpose. We are living in a time where God's people must understand that the enemy wants them to be intimidated by what is going on. 

A person's identity is very important, if you don't know who you are, the world will make you who you are not. If you don't know who you are, you will not be able to stand and fight, if you don't know who you are, you will miss your opportunities. I pray that you will leave this place with the full knowledge of who you are. The society makes a young girl in high school or in the university who doesn't have a boyfriend look like there is something wrong with her. I say there is nothing wrong! You don't have to explain why you are still a virgin because even if you do, the world will not understand anyway. It looks awkward for a businessman to loose an opportunity worth millions because they can't bribe. You don't need to explain anything, just stand and and tell them who you are. When the righteous becomes the righteous, trouble will come but be ready to pay the price.

Every time you are in your comfort zone, you don't do what you are required to do. I came to tell you that you have a responsibility. Queen Esther thought she was married to the king just to have children, No! God had put her there for more; to be a deliverer of God's people. Let me tell you, you are not created just to have a husband, wife and children, God has a greater purpose for you. Queen Esther hesitated when Mordecai asked her to go to the King on behalf of the Jews but she was told that help will come from elsewhere if she does not rise up. Listen to me, every time time you are supposed to do something in the kingdom and you don't, God will use someone else to do it. He is not limited, He will use another way. Every time you give excuses, you are opening a door for someone else to take your blessing.

When Queen Esther appeared before the King, she didn't die, deliverance came. When God gives you a responsibility, He wants you to carry it on. I am a champion, I have no fear in whatever God calls me to do, and I am here to raise champions!