Sunday 24 July 2016

The Jehu Anointing

Rev. Justus Kimeu ~ Jesus Celebration Centre, Mombasa
2 kings 9:1 is an opening of a peculiar chapter that God was opening in the lives of His people Israel to deal against the wickedness they were facing in their time. God anointed Jehu, to completely destroy the spirit of Ahab and bring new order in Israel. This is an anointing for elevation. 1 Kings 21:1-14 shows the kind of wickedness Ahab and Jezebel were involved in.

When Jehu received this kingly anointing, he took charge. This anointing is so peculiar such that it caused Jezebel's bodyguards to turn against her and be on the side of Jehu (2 Kings 9:30). This anointing is coming over you and those who support your enemies will start to support you. As this anointing continues to operate in you, you will completely destroy your enemies  and they will not be found anywhere just like in the case of Jezebel; she was not buried because dogs came and ate her remains according to the word of God which He had spoken through prophet Elisha.

As you begin to open your eyes to this anointing, you will become unpredictable to your enemies.

Under this anointing, you will;

  • walk in power
  • have a desire to fulfil God's desire in your life
  • Have a drive- be passionate, diligent 
  • Have wisdom to execute the mandate of God
  • Have determination to see the prophecy of God in your life fulfilled. We see in 2 Kings 10:11, Jehu complexly destroyed all that was in Ahab's name.
After killing Jezebel, sons of Ahab and all the officers, Jehu now used great wisdom to destroy baal worshippers (2 Kings 10:17). And finally, the temple of baal was destroyed and turned into a latrine.

I don't know what kind of an anointing you carry but the church is under the same attack that faced the children of Israel. Psalm 92:9-11 is clear, God will anoint you with fresh oil, exalt your horn like that of a wild Ox. Don't allow that anointing to be wasted.

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