Monday 18 July 2016


It is sometimes known as mentor-ship by many, a process where a successful person use various media to lead you to your destiny. Most of these people have different ways through which they meet their mentors and identifying a focus oriented individual.
ACHUE:  "I met Mr. Abel Marite three years ago and it is something I still describe as a miracle. He has been the toughest person whom I've ever come across, who does not know what quitting is and his SUCCESS is what keeps me going day in day out. He once said 'it is great to make another great.' I defined it as a mentor makes another out of the one mentored, and the circle continues."
Seated wherever you are, how do you think we get connected to the right mentors? East, west, north, south, name anywhere, the solution lies in Prayers to God.
You are Blessed.

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