Sunday 10 July 2016

The Third Level

When you live in the place of comfort, the devil becomes the MC (Master of Ceremony) in your life. When you want to pray, he does not set an alarm clock for you, he gives you a blanket to cover yourself. Those are the schemes of the enemy and you must confront him and get to your place of glory.
Rev. Justus Kimeu

Psalm 8:1 says that our God is excellent in all the earth. Man is created in the image and the likeness of God and has been given dominion but the failure to apply knowledge makes him fail. Many people are simply hearers. 

Mark 4:28 talks about three levels of growth, Matthew 13:8 talks about the three dimensions (30, 60, 100 fold). That is how man operates;if you engage yourself fully to the point of your soul, you get to the 100 mark. The order of God is three (Father, Son, Holy Spirit).

The Holy Spirit is the power and when you operate in all the three, you get to the 100 mark. In matters of the will of God, there are three levels; the good, the acceptable, the perfect. You have to pay a price to operate in that third level of the perfect will of God which is the 100 mark. Faith is also in three levels; justification, sanctification and glorification. Many people operate in the 1st two levels yet the third level is the 100 mark. Good, better, best are also three dimensions of performance. Best shows excellence and it is the 100 mark level. Unfortunately, most people operate on the level of average.

In the Old Testament, the Temple was built using three metals; bronze, silver and gold. It had three sections; the outer court (a common area for everybody), inner court and the Holy of holies. The third section is the place of glory and only the priest could enter once an year. Where are you operating from? Our invitation is not just the outer court, it is not even the inner court; our invitation is to the Holy of holies. Don't disregard yourself, don't accept to take what is not yours. 

We need to benchmark ourselves by the glory of God which is only found in the third level.

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