Tuesday 28 June 2016

Principles of accessing Kingdom Wealth

God wants to prosper you without anything stagnating you or holding you back. And he gives us talents which we ought to multiply. The talents are in form of cash and these are given unto us to test our faithfulness.
The principles are, Tithing, Offerings and Sowing. Tithe is for your security and protection. Offering is for your increase and seeds/sowing is for your Multiplication. They bring about Kingdom Wealth and where Principles given by God to access it and quick note, there is an operation in the Kingdom realm because there is always a reward/promise. As a matter of fact, God has given you good health.
You cannot be a giver unless you are a tither. Living without tithing is living a life of a robber, but by tithing you honor the LORD. The devil will always make you stagnate but the moment you are faithful in your tithe you are able to turn his expectation down and stand your ground.
God rewards but someone who's not a giver would not agree with that. But always keep in heart that by tithing you leave a continuous generational blessing.

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