Sunday 12 June 2016

No More Oppression

Todays message, Preached by Rev. Justus Kimeu, has brought a great move and God desires you to live a life of freedom and power over oppression. Oppression is when you are not able to do what you want to do.
God is raising against oppressors and He is taking us to a level direct to heaven where the devil will never rule. A level where we will speak by faith the word of God.
2 Kings chapter 1. Elijah, Prophet of God, tells the king that he is going to die and when the King sents His soldiers against Him He is already up on the mountain.. aaaah... where does your help come from? Those who know their God will seek the Holy Spirit at all times. They lured him to coming down by calling him "Man of God" but he never went down, instead he used the identity to call fire from above to come and consume them and never allowed oppression to take over. Do you have an identity? God is looking for men and women who will call down the fire to come and consume their enemies(Oppressors). Only when you are in authority are you able to command fire to fall and consume your enemies. In todays world we see the wicked boasting in their wickedness and Paul the Apostle urges us to to boast in the Lord. The devil will will tend to interact you in way you may perceive wise but it is your down fall. Letting the devil remove you from the spiritual environment you are on your way to perishing. But the book of Psalms 110:2, b"...Rule in the midst of your enemies!" Men who call fire from Zion will be expanded. aaaah! And this is what God says, when you fall tell your enemy that it is not a permanent position and you are about to rise up and Praise the Lord. I f you believe it that is your potion. In Jesus Name

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