Sunday 19 June 2016

Setting in Motion the Unthinkable

There is a day an exchange of bad plans upon you will apply to those that are responsible and they overpower you. This is a season to shift your position in the realm of the Spirit.
Esther 2
We see the favour of God upon the Jews, a Jew in the modern world means a favoured one, peculiar one. When you are favoured you are enthroned to a higher level and those that know your power but still insisted on going against you will testify from their failure.
The day they are planning to bring you down will be the very same day they will wear the same shoes. You are protected and whatever the devil is talking against you, there is a turn around such that the scheme they will be using will be used against them.
Sometimes we tend to forget, that whatever that is still stagnant has been suspended by the urge of fasting.
It is upon you to bring out that which is beyond your imaginary.

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