Thursday 23 June 2016

The Latter Glory

(Hagai 2) Whatever is associated with you must fit to the Glory of God and exclusion of the odds is mandatory. Maybe your 'project' or whatever you are doing may not be the way you like it to be but forget not that God is not moved by the appearance.
Honoring your salvation is the most crucial part of all. Never forget that you can never enter into this Glory least you are born of Christ. God is calling you to crucify your first life to open a platform that He can raise a Glorious one. Remember this, unlike Glory, beauty and your appearance can be taken away but Glory will always dwell in you.
The world will be attracted to the splendor of your flesh but God will turn all that down by rejecting your flesh if its controversial to His ways. Heb 1:7 And of the angels He says: "Who makes His angels spirits And His ministers a flame of fire."
therefore it is upto us to shine as the word has confirmed for the Glory of the latter house is our inheritance.

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