Sunday 31 July 2016

Your Purpose in The Kingdom

I am so glad to be back home. Every time I travel, I start missing home immediately I get on the first flight. Traveling is not my favourite thing but I have to get out of my comfort zone and help people out there.
Dr. Wilfred Lai ~ Senior Pastor, Jesus Celebration Centre Mombasa, Kenya

I came this morning with a word from the Lord to help you become strong and do what God wants you to do. Our reading comes from Esther 4:10-17. The story of Esther is so moving, she became Queen in a land that was not her own. She was a Jew but Mordecai had told her to keep her identity secret (there are places you need to reveal your identity and there are others you need to conceal it). I want you to know that God had brought Esther into this position with a purpose. God has brought you here with a purpose. We are living in a time where God's people must understand that the enemy wants them to be intimidated by what is going on. 

A person's identity is very important, if you don't know who you are, the world will make you who you are not. If you don't know who you are, you will not be able to stand and fight, if you don't know who you are, you will miss your opportunities. I pray that you will leave this place with the full knowledge of who you are. The society makes a young girl in high school or in the university who doesn't have a boyfriend look like there is something wrong with her. I say there is nothing wrong! You don't have to explain why you are still a virgin because even if you do, the world will not understand anyway. It looks awkward for a businessman to loose an opportunity worth millions because they can't bribe. You don't need to explain anything, just stand and and tell them who you are. When the righteous becomes the righteous, trouble will come but be ready to pay the price.

Every time you are in your comfort zone, you don't do what you are required to do. I came to tell you that you have a responsibility. Queen Esther thought she was married to the king just to have children, No! God had put her there for more; to be a deliverer of God's people. Let me tell you, you are not created just to have a husband, wife and children, God has a greater purpose for you. Queen Esther hesitated when Mordecai asked her to go to the King on behalf of the Jews but she was told that help will come from elsewhere if she does not rise up. Listen to me, every time time you are supposed to do something in the kingdom and you don't, God will use someone else to do it. He is not limited, He will use another way. Every time you give excuses, you are opening a door for someone else to take your blessing.

When Queen Esther appeared before the King, she didn't die, deliverance came. When God gives you a responsibility, He wants you to carry it on. I am a champion, I have no fear in whatever God calls me to do, and I am here to raise champions!

Friday 29 July 2016

Women on Fire Ladies Conference ~ Delegates welcome 2016

Shalom! Shalom!
Preparations for the Women on Fire Ladies Conference here at Jesus Celebration Center are in top gear! We have prayed for you and we know that your are also preparing in a big way to come and be set on fire for God! We spoke to some delegates from Nairobi last year and they gave a warm welcome to you. Don't Miss!! Mark the dates; 4th-6th August 2016, right here at Jesus Celebration Centre, Bamburi, Kenya. ‪#WOF2016‬

Thursday 28 July 2016

Women on Fire Ladies Conference ~ Pastor Asunta Juma

Pastor Asunta Juma is a passionate prophetic minister in conferences and the host of 'Women of Power Conference' held annually in the city of Nairobi. She has authored a book called, 'God's Girls - Unleashing the Power of Spiritual Motherhood'. 
Last year, her message 'Running the Race before me' gave clear guidance on the ladies present on how to tap the anointing and fulfil our God given mandate. You can not just be a woman, a lady going nowhere. Owning a car, a house, husband, children is not all you are about, God has greater things for you!
Mark the dates; 4th-6th August 2016, right here at Jesus Celebration Centre, Bamburi, Kenya. ‪#‎WOF2016‬

The Beauty of Divine Breakthroughs

Rev. Justus Kimeu ~ Jesus Celebration Centre
Whatever you want men to do to you, do also to them, Matthew 7:12-14. If you want to see things happen, who is the initiator? Those who walk under the instructions of God, their way is the narrow one. It is so narrow that you can miss it but the question is, what are you looking for?Are you looking for pleasure or purpose? If you are a purpose driven person, pain is inevitable and so you must ave a resolve ( a firm decision to be strong). Look at runners, they run under whatever circumstances they are in and even if they are falling, they fall after they have crossed the finishing line because they have a resolve to win.  

God has purposed to usher you to a divine breakthrough. God has ordained abundant life for you; to get out of failure and poverty to a life of divine breakthroughs. Isaiah 34:16-17; prepare yourself, you are getting to a new dispensation. The Spirit of God is in the business of gathering a people and I pray that you will be among them. You will not go to destruction but to the prophetic. No devil has power to stop you, no denomination has power to stop you, no protocol has power to stop you! Those who know their God shall be strong and do exploits. Isaiah 35:1-10 says even the wilderness, the wasteland and the desert shall blossom for you. If you are feeling weak, feeling like things are going to crumble on you, don’t give up or bow, hold on because it’s time! God is about to show up and manifest Himself. Be strong! Don’t fear. Two things are coming your way; God is coming as a fighter and a blesser. He will fight your enemies and bless you. Do not throw away your confidence; it will be greatly rewarded (Hebrews 10:35).  

Those who go through the narrow gate enter into rest but the broad way leads to pleasure and destruction. If you are a comfort seeker, you are missing your own life. Stand in your place, the place of divine breakthrough.

Wednesday 27 July 2016

Women On Fire Ladies Conference ~ Pastor Margaret Musungu

Women on Fire Ladies Conference is an interdenominational, international ladies meeting which has been graced with speakers from across the region. If you attended the conference last year, you definitely haven't forgotten Pastor Margaret Musungu from Uganda. Her testimony on how she found herself in a worldwide meeting of witches and how God used her to lead over 100 of them to Christ is unforgettable. 
This year, Pastor Margaret is not only coming alone, but with a great company of women who will join us in this great conference. Nobody will take what God has given you, if they try, they will not be able to manage it! Mark the dates; 4th-6th August 2016, right here at Jesus Celebration Centre, Bamburi, Kenya. ‪#‎WOF2016‬

Tuesday 26 July 2016

Women On Fire Ladies Conference ~ Pastor (Dr) Esther Obasi-ike

Pastor (Dr) Esther Obasi-ike has a divine commission to minister to the poor and the needy, especially women. She is married to Pastor Prince Obasi-ike and she is the Founder of Queen Esthers Generation in Kenya, gathering women in the monthly outreach program tagged as “The Gathering of Stars and Queens” which is restoring and transforming the lives of many.
This woman of God will be speaking to the ladies this year in the Women on Fire Ladies Conference. Do not allow anything to keep you behind shut doors! Mark the dates; 4th-6th August 2016, right here at Jesus Celebration Centre, Bamburi, Kenya. ‪#‎WOF2016‬


Monday 25 July 2016

Women On Fire ~ Mrs. Rita Lai

Dressed elegantly in Maasai regalia and full of the anointing, Mama passed a very powerful message during the ladies conference last year. Women cannot be stopped; they push through, touch the hem of the garment of Jesus and receive their healing. Will you push through and attend the conference this year so as to receive what God has in store for you? Mark the dates; 4th-6th August 2016, right here at Jesus Celebration Centre, Bamburi, Kenya. #WOF2016

Sunday 24 July 2016

The Jehu Anointing

Rev. Justus Kimeu ~ Jesus Celebration Centre, Mombasa
2 kings 9:1 is an opening of a peculiar chapter that God was opening in the lives of His people Israel to deal against the wickedness they were facing in their time. God anointed Jehu, to completely destroy the spirit of Ahab and bring new order in Israel. This is an anointing for elevation. 1 Kings 21:1-14 shows the kind of wickedness Ahab and Jezebel were involved in.

When Jehu received this kingly anointing, he took charge. This anointing is so peculiar such that it caused Jezebel's bodyguards to turn against her and be on the side of Jehu (2 Kings 9:30). This anointing is coming over you and those who support your enemies will start to support you. As this anointing continues to operate in you, you will completely destroy your enemies  and they will not be found anywhere just like in the case of Jezebel; she was not buried because dogs came and ate her remains according to the word of God which He had spoken through prophet Elisha.

As you begin to open your eyes to this anointing, you will become unpredictable to your enemies.

Under this anointing, you will;

  • walk in power
  • have a desire to fulfil God's desire in your life
  • Have a drive- be passionate, diligent 
  • Have wisdom to execute the mandate of God
  • Have determination to see the prophecy of God in your life fulfilled. We see in 2 Kings 10:11, Jehu complexly destroyed all that was in Ahab's name.
After killing Jezebel, sons of Ahab and all the officers, Jehu now used great wisdom to destroy baal worshippers (2 Kings 10:17). And finally, the temple of baal was destroyed and turned into a latrine.

I don't know what kind of an anointing you carry but the church is under the same attack that faced the children of Israel. Psalm 92:9-11 is clear, God will anoint you with fresh oil, exalt your horn like that of a wild Ox. Don't allow that anointing to be wasted.

Friday 22 July 2016

Women On Fire Ladies Conference ~ Bishop Wilfred Lai

From the Women On Fire Ladies Conference desk, we have very good news to all the men; you are invited to join the ladies for the revivals during the conference. The revivals will be taking place from 5:30 pm. Mark the dates; 4th-6th August 2016, right here at Jesus Celebration Centre, Bamburi, Kenya.
Our Papa, Bishop Wilfred Lai was on fire as he spoke during the revivals last year! #WOF2016

Thursday 21 July 2016

Women On Fire Ladies Conference ~ Pastor Laureen Rakiro

Shalom! If you missed Women on Fire Ladies conference last year, make sure you do not miss this year. Mark the dates; 4th-6th August 2016, right here at Jesus Celebration Centre, Mombasa, Kenya. We caught up with Pastor Laureen Rakiro after the conference last year, and this is what she had to say

Being Complete In The Spirit

Rev. Justus Kimeu~ Jesus Celebration Centre, Mombasa
The greatest desire of God for the body of Christ, which is the church is the Holy Spirit. Why? Because the Holy Spirit is our source of power, our help, our advocate and our teacher. The early church, which was full of the Holy Ghost, had the following characteristics;

  • Obedient to the doctrine/teaching of the Apostles. They walked in what they were taught together as one (one mind/unity). That was very important because it is one thing to hear the word and it is another to walk in it.
  • Met daily. 
  • Broke bread together
  • Prayed together
  • Had fellowship together
Isaiah 63:9-11 talks about God walking with the children of Israel and how they rebelled and grieved the Holy Spirit. The mind of God over you is that He breaks every bondage, pain, affliction, authority and power of the enemy over your life and He empowers you to walk straight. God delivers you never to be bound again. When God delivered the Israelites, He required of them to obey Him but if they disobey, Leviticus 26:15-39 gives the repercussions.

You know, sometimes you can leave church and wonder whether God is true because the promises He has given are not working for you but listen to me, the measure of your obedience is the measure of the manifestation of God in your life.When you walk in disobedience, you empower your enemies and negative forces to work against your life.  If you are walking in disobedience, change your ways.
Become complete (aim for perfection).

2 Corinthians 13:11, 14;

"Become complete. Be of good comfort, be of one mind, live in peace; and the God of love and peace will be with you.
The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all. Amen."

Wednesday 20 July 2016

Women On Fire Ladies Conference 2016 ~ Mrs. Rita Lai

Shalom Shalom! The Women on Fire Ladies Conference 2016 is beckoning! Our Mama and host, Mrs. Rita Lai, gave a clarion call to this powerful conference to the church on Sunday. The conference will be taking place at Jesus Celebration Centre Bamburi, Kenya from August 4th - 6th 2016. This call is to you as well. Don't miss!!!!

Monday 18 July 2016

You Shall be Mighty in the Land ~ Dr. Wilfred Lai

This is a clip from the message; The Three Great Anointings preached at the magnificent Thirty Thousand Seater Glass Cathedral in Bamburi (Mombasa, Kenya) by Dr. Wilfred Lai, the Senior Pastor at Jesus Celebration Centre.


It is sometimes known as mentor-ship by many, a process where a successful person use various media to lead you to your destiny. Most of these people have different ways through which they meet their mentors and identifying a focus oriented individual.
ACHUE:  "I met Mr. Abel Marite three years ago and it is something I still describe as a miracle. He has been the toughest person whom I've ever come across, who does not know what quitting is and his SUCCESS is what keeps me going day in day out. He once said 'it is great to make another great.' I defined it as a mentor makes another out of the one mentored, and the circle continues."
Seated wherever you are, how do you think we get connected to the right mentors? East, west, north, south, name anywhere, the solution lies in Prayers to God.
You are Blessed.

Sunday 17 July 2016

Manifesting Yourself at Your Best

Rev. Justus Kimeu~ Jesus Celebration Center, Mombasa, Kenya.

God is ready to manifest you as wonder. It doesn't matter where you are or the challenges you are facing. God is ready. His name is excellent in all the earth (Psalm 81:1-9) and He has faith in you. It's time to walk in excellence and manifest at the highest level: the 100% mark.

Your victory is in your battles and that is why God has placed giants in the place of your possessions so that you arise and fight. Jeremiah 12:5 asks, "If you have run with footmen, and they have wearied you, then how can you contend with horses? And if in the land of peace, in which you trusted, they wearied you, then how will you do in the floodplain of the Jordan?"

What you understand about yourself is what makes the difference. God then told Jeremiah, "You are my battle-ax and weapons of war: for with you I will break the nation in pieces; with you I will destroy kingdoms , with you I will break in pieces the horse and it's rider, with you I will break in pieces the chariot and it's rider," Jeremiah 51:20-21. God sees you as full of power and capacity.You are more powerful than you think of yourself.

Many times, we go around asking for standards but from today, don't look for standards; be the standard. When you say there is no love in the church, the question is, what is the measure of love in you? Before you say the church is not praying, how much are you praying yourself? If you want me to visit you, visit me first, if you want to have friends, be a friend first. Be the standard. Do not just stay there complaining, you are hurting yourself. How would you feel if you are the pastor and all the people are members not disciples? Members just show up on Sunday, they don't serve anywhere in church, they don't produce but they just consume what is there. Those operate at the 30% mark and most people in church today operate that way. Remember you are totally responsible for what happens here on earth. Some of you don't know the kind of assignment before you and the kind of resistance but I pray this morning that you are going to get out of every conspiracy of the devil! Read Acts 23:1-35

Friday 15 July 2016

The Anointing For Divine Connection

Bishop Jonah Obonyo
You need divine connections. The principle of life is that God places men and women in places that you need to be. Heaven only intervenes to release to us the power that will fight with that which is opposing us. God is raising a divine hand to hold you and release you to your next level. Your time to move to the next level is now.

Your time for the devil to say Amen to you has come! Jehovah is releasing divine help!
In Genesis 14:6-7, we see God provided
connections to help Joseph and one of them was the Butler. God set him up in prison. It doesn't matter where life pushes you, God will set somebody there. In 2 Kings 5:1-4, Naaman though a great and honourable man, had leprosy but a lady who had no title was set by God in his house to help him get his healing. Elijah was a man of destiny, a great voice in the country and we see in 1 Kings 17:9, God connecting him to the widow of Zarephath. We see God connecting Esther to Mordecai (Esther 2) who was a great help to her since she had no mother or father. Let those who laugh at you continue laughing because when the tide turns, they will not know where to hide their heads. 

Your divine destiny helpers will have even greater faith than you concerning your mission (Mark 2:1-5). Exodus 2 gives us the story of Moses. He was a destiny child born at the right place but at a time of great challenge just like you. You see, greatness is born in challenges and darkness is needed for light to shine. You may be coming from a weak background but Jehovah is raising strong hands to hold you. You will not die, you will get to where you are going! God did not come for the strong, He came for the weak so that His strength can be manifested. You are not a passing cloud. 

To get to your destiny, you need to do three things;

  • Cry out to God. When you begin to pray, your Father in heaven will hear because He is your help.
  • Release yourself to the Lord. Believe in God and also in Jesus. Let God have His way. He is in control because in the first place, you are where you are by His grace.
  • Remain connected to the altar. Keep the fire burning in your gifts, giving and in supporting your man of God. That connection is what will help you in time of your need.
I have a witness in my spirit that God is moving you to a new dimension. Read Isaiah 41:12-13 

Wednesday 13 July 2016

There is nothing God uses without anointing it

Bishop Wilfred Lai~ Senior Pastor, Jesus Celebration Centre
1 John 2:20;
"But you have an anointing from the Holy One, and you know all things.
(Read also 1 John 2:27, 2 Corinthians 1:21-22).

Three things have happened to you and when you know that, you can be used of God.

  • God has anointed you
  • God has sealed you
  • God has given you His Spirit
The Spirit of God is a guarantee for your victory! He came to make sure that whatever God has commissioned you to do will succeed. There is nothing God uses without anointing it first. The moment you understand that these three things have already happened, you develop a boldness.

You are anointed! That means God has set you apart for His own work. That is what the anointing is all about. The anointing is about election. God sets you apart by anointing you.

The second thing that has happened, very powerful, is that God has sealed you. When something is sealed, what does it mean? If you find a product with a seal, the seal is the sign that what is inside is original. I don't have a fake thing in me, God did not only anoint me but He sealed me with His seal to show anyone that what is in this man is mine and it's original; it's not a photocopy. What He put in you, He sealed so that anywhere you go, anyone can see the seal and know that is inside is of God. Oh my Jesus!

Number three, He has given you His Spirit. That Spirit is a guarantee. We did not get the Holy Ghost just to speak in tongues, we got the Holy Ghost to guarantee that what we have is of truth and that there is no lie in it. So, I don't have any questions in my mind like, do I have the right doctrine? Do I belong to Jesus? I have a guarantee. The Spirit Himself cries Abba Father as an assurance that we are sons of God and if we are sons, then we are heirs ( Galatians 4:6).

Tuesday 12 July 2016

What do we do after a powerful Sermon

Its obvious that you have ever been in the House of God and the Spirit of God really moves. You leave the place filled and the presence of God goes along with you. But is that presence felt in those you encounter out in the world? What about that other person whom might be the subject God wants you to tackle? Its upon you to spread the Gospel. It starts with the little you give out.
Be blessed

Walking by Faith Part 2

God has already provided a way of escape for every temptation that comes your way, read 1 Corinthians 10:13.

Dr. Wilfred Lai~ Senior Pastor Jesus Celebration Centre
You must overcome and be a winner because God has great promises for you. You are an heir of the promises of God and as you walk patiently in faith, even if it doesn't happen in the first month, then it will happen in the second month. If the second month is over and what you thought will happen did not, stretch your faith further. Put the word in your mouth, say what you are expecting God to do, mix it with faith and say it several times everyday. That is how you are going to hasten the fulfilment of the promise. Remember the enemy would want you to become miserable, be filled with unbelief and stop hoping and the only way he can stop you from hoping is to switch off your patience. 

You need patience. God is not in a race: He does things on His time and His time is not your time. God's ways are not your ways and that is why He has given you faith and patience. 

Habakkuk 2:2 talks about writing, writing what? Write down what you are expecting. Make the vision clear. Write it down somewhere,  where you can see it all the time so that you can keep on confessing it. 

If the devil told you that you are going to die because of something you are suffering from, he is a liar. You can only die if you give up. 

Monday 11 July 2016

Walking by Faith part 1

Dr. Wilfred Lai~ Senior pastor Jesus Celebration Center , Mombasa, Kenya
You need faith to get to where you are going.

God called Abraham to bless him and He has called you to bless you. You are not called to struggle, you are called to be fruitful and to be blessed. You are called to live a life beyond your means. 

God called Abraham and told him, "I am God Almighty, walk before me and be blameless." As long as a child of God is living a life that is pleasing to God, then he/she becomes a candidate of God's blessing upon their lives and every word that God has spoken concerning them will come to pass.

The foundation for God to fulfil every promise that He has given to us is that we must live and walk before Him blameless. In Genesis 17:1-2, we see the call of Abraham;

"When Abram was ninety-nine years old, the Lord appeared to Abram and said to him, “I am Almighty God; walk before Me and be blameless. And I will make My covenant between Me and you, and will multiply you exceedingly.”

We read that Abraham was 99 years old, so he was already past the age of receiving what God had promised him. Hear me, you will not receive what God has promised you because you qualify physically; you will receive because you qualify spiritually.

Physically, Abraham had no ability to father a child but spiritually he was set to be a father according to the promise of God, because the promise of God can never fail.

Sunday 10 July 2016

The Third Level

When you live in the place of comfort, the devil becomes the MC (Master of Ceremony) in your life. When you want to pray, he does not set an alarm clock for you, he gives you a blanket to cover yourself. Those are the schemes of the enemy and you must confront him and get to your place of glory.
Rev. Justus Kimeu

Psalm 8:1 says that our God is excellent in all the earth. Man is created in the image and the likeness of God and has been given dominion but the failure to apply knowledge makes him fail. Many people are simply hearers. 

Mark 4:28 talks about three levels of growth, Matthew 13:8 talks about the three dimensions (30, 60, 100 fold). That is how man operates;if you engage yourself fully to the point of your soul, you get to the 100 mark. The order of God is three (Father, Son, Holy Spirit).

The Holy Spirit is the power and when you operate in all the three, you get to the 100 mark. In matters of the will of God, there are three levels; the good, the acceptable, the perfect. You have to pay a price to operate in that third level of the perfect will of God which is the 100 mark. Faith is also in three levels; justification, sanctification and glorification. Many people operate in the 1st two levels yet the third level is the 100 mark. Good, better, best are also three dimensions of performance. Best shows excellence and it is the 100 mark level. Unfortunately, most people operate on the level of average.

In the Old Testament, the Temple was built using three metals; bronze, silver and gold. It had three sections; the outer court (a common area for everybody), inner court and the Holy of holies. The third section is the place of glory and only the priest could enter once an year. Where are you operating from? Our invitation is not just the outer court, it is not even the inner court; our invitation is to the Holy of holies. Don't disregard yourself, don't accept to take what is not yours. 

We need to benchmark ourselves by the glory of God which is only found in the third level.

Wednesday 6 July 2016

You and Your Pastor

Focus Unity Service- Jesus Celebration Center (Buxton)

Apostle Michael Wambua

Topic: You and Your Pastor

Speaker: Apostle Michael Wambua

Scriptures: Jeremiah 3:15, Isaiah 5:13, Amos 3:7, Hosea 4:6, 2 Samuel 23:15-16, 1 Samuel 14:7

You are supposed to understand that your Pastor/Man of God is a gift from God. When you come to the house of God, you are supposed to be ready to receive knowledge and understanding. When you have a God given Pastor, there is no way you can be taken to captivity. When you are in church, don't just count yourself as a member; you are a partner.
God will never do anything in your life before passing through the heart of your Pastor. Whatever is supposed to happen in your life is not in the heart of God but in the heart of your Pastor and it is your sensitivity to what is in him that will connect you.
If you want to access the Grace and the Anointing in the man of God in this ministry, you should be close enough to access the desire of his heart. From today, never wait for somebody to do what you are supposed to do. Don't say that the deacons will do it, don't say that another person will do it. You are alone; you and your man of God.
We see from the scriptures that only three mighty men of David understood what was in his heart. in any church today, only 10% understand what is the heart of their Pastor and those are the ones who access the anointing.
Men of God carry great desires in their hearts which are given by God. When you are following a man of God, it can be dangerous but the anointing in his life will protect you.