Wednesday 31 August 2016

On Eagles Wings ~ Mrs. Rita Lai

Mrs. Rita Lai ~ First Lady, Jesus Celebration Center Mombasa, Kenya 
"Every mandate from God faces all kinds of opposition and it's upon the people under the said mandate to realize that for them to achieve any kind of results they must fight and overcome the battles that will arise against them.
Therefore every congregation, through their man of God who is the vision carrier in the congregation, should be very clear why they exist. There will be no competition, jealousies or fightings if every congregation would understand their purpose." 
Mrs. Rita Lai (2014) On Eagles Wings, A Story of A Dream Come True. Page 102

Tuesday 30 August 2016

Monday 29 August 2016

Dry Bones Revived ~ Dr. Wilfred Lai

Bishop Wilfred Lai ~ Jesus Celebration Centre
Everything that is visible begins from the Spirit. 

The visible is an evidence of the unseen. The fact that you can see physical things right now is a sign that the spiritual realm is real. Why do I say that? Because in the beginning while there was nothing, God was there. Every thing you see now was birthed by a word of prophecy. 

In Ezekiel 37:1-11, that valley was not a physical one but Ezekiel was in the realm of the Spirit where  the valley was. In verse 3, God asked Ezekiel whether the bones can live, meaning, can they appear in the physical? Ezekiel replied that God knows. So God told him to do his job, to prophesy! I came to tell you that everything that has died can live again. Everything that you have lost can come back again. God is asking you the same question he asked Ezekiel, 'do you believe?' 

Before you know something, you are not ready for it. Before you know you are healed, you are not ready for it, but the moment you know, you speak to the disease what you know, that you are healed! In verse 11, God told Ezekiel the dry bones was the whole house of Israel and they were dry and their hope was lost. If God was talking to me today, He would tell me the dry bones is the church.
I came to prophesy, it doesn't matter the condition of the church right now, we are about to become a great army, we are about to become a power! For that to happen, we must see the Lord high and lifted up just like Isaiah 6:1. He is lifted higher than all principalities, higher than all powers, higher than every condition, higher than everything!

Sunday 28 August 2016

The Price of Revival ~ Dr. Wilfred Lai

Dr. Wilfred Lai ~ Jesus Celebration Centre, Mombasa, Kenya
Everything that happens has a cost.

Revival has a cost and somebody must pay for it to happen. My prayer for you is that this word will transform you and make you a better person. The story of King Uzziah in 2 Chronicles 26:1-5, 8,16, will help us understand why revival happens and why it is hindered. Revival is when God comes. The first thing that must happen for revival to come is that somebody must begin to seek God. 

King Uzziah became King when he was only 16 years. These days, that's a teenager who is interested in other things but King Uzziah
started seeking God and walking in His ways just like his father Amaziah. He connected to the prophet Isaiah and as long as he obeyed the voice of the man of God, he never lost any battle. Every time you want to live in the ways of God, you must be connected to a prophet because God never does anything without revealing it to His servants; God speaks to them and they speak to you. Revival is always connected to a man of God. Everytime God comes, He comes through a man. When God heard the cry of the children of Israel, He came to deliver them through Moses. 

The number two price to pay for revival is humility. When you have achieved something, you want everybody to start recognising you. That's why when preachers rise up a bit, they begin to get all these big titles. When somebody calls them a brother, they become offended, but who are you? Before I became a pastor I was a brother. I am brother Lai and I don't want to surround myself with body guards because sometimes you wonder, who wants to kill who? After God prospered King Uzziah, he got a big head and started doing things he wasn't supposed to do. His prayer life stopped and his relationship with his man of God was cut off. If you don't have a man of God who speaks in your life and you obey, you can never have revival. You know when you stay humble, you can never fall, people fall only when they are up. When the Lord lifts you, stay humble because He is not lifting you above yourself. When you live like you are above everyone else, that's called pride and that's how people fall.

Revival comes with money and prosperity. When God moves, He moves away those things that are not from Him - poverty, sickness and defeat - so that you can move to the next level and become what He wants you to be. I came to tell you as you seek God, all obstacles will melt in His presence. Even that boss who is trying to stop you is not God's boss, He will pass him over and bless you! When God lifts you up, don't allow anything to bring you down.

Why are we not having revival in the church today? Because we are giving God a raw deal, we are giving Him what does not cost us and He cannot accept it!' That's why we have so many sickness in the church because we are treating God casually. People in this country only go to church on Sunday morning because it is a free day. We come to church late, we only pray when we have an emergency and say, 'Lord do it now or never! Who are you threatening? God is not a fire brigade, He wants you in good time, not only when things are going wrong. He wants a relationship.

Friday 26 August 2016

Dreams And Visions ~ Bishop Wilfred Lai

Bishop Wilfred and Mrs. Rita Lai ~ Jesus Celebration Centre
Many times when people are discouraged, they want to quit. There are some people who are reading this message now and things have happened in their lives that have made them feel like they need to leave now!
If that has happened to you, you are not the only one, the Apostle Paul went through the same thing. And in that time of great discouragement, the Lord came to him in a vision. 
Acts 18:9-11; “Now the Lord spoke to Paul in the night by a vision, “Do not be afraid, but speak, and do not keep silent; for I am with you, and no one will attack you to hurt you; for I have many people in this city.” And he continued there a year and six months, teaching the word of God among them.”There are some things that you have begun to do because God has put them in your heart and now you are going through very difficult discouraging things. May be your own brothers, your own sisters or people that you really hoped were going to stand with you and support what you have in your heart to do have turned against you. They are opposing you and you feel like quitting. I came to tell you don’t quit, don’t quit! It’s not opposition or rejection, it’s not a sign that you are in the wrong place or you are doing the wrong thing; sometimes opposition comes because you are doing the right thing! Sometimes people oppose you because the devil sees your future!

Thursday 25 August 2016

Revival ~ Bishop Wilfred Lai

Bishop Wilfred Lai ~ Senior Pastor, Jesus Celebration Centre
Anything that takes you away from the presence of God is sin.
Today, there is a word to bring down your mountains because you can't keep going round mountains! I want us to ask God a powerful question in Psalm 85:6. The Psalmist is asking,
 "will You not revive us again, that Your people may rejoice in you?" 
'Again' is a word that indicates something had happened before. When as a child of God you are not revived, you don't have joy (at least the joy of the Lord) and therefore you don't have strength. So, what is revival? Revival is when God comes to you, when His presence is evident in your life, in a congregation, in a city and in a Nation. Revival does not begin with a big congregation, when God's presence is evident in your life, then you are in the midst of revival. 

I want you to know that God wants you to live in Him. When you are in revival, it doesn't matter what happens around you, you will always have joy. When revival comes, things that show our God is a God of impossibility begin to happen.  

I pray that God will open our eyes that we may see the loss of living away from His presence.

Isaiah 64:1-5 gives us the answer to our question. When God comes down in your life, things begin to happen! He comes down to make those things that have been stopped by mountains to happen. I came to tell you that the Lord will cause the mountains that have been before you to be flattened. Those things that have been an obstacle to you don't fear your degrees or who you know, they will only melt at the presence of God. You have done your best but it has amounted to nothing, I have come to tell you there is a way; His presence.  Everyday God visited Adam in the garden of Eden and that is why there was no sickness, poverty and Adam had a creative mind that knew everything (wisdom &understanding) and that is why he could name everything that God created and not make a mistake. The mountains that surrounded him were not mountains of obstacles but mountains of wealth. May God cause all the mountains that have surrounded you to be mountains of wealth! You can't be in His presence and be controlled by obstacles! In His presence, you will stand and decree a word and it will be established. Those witches that are disturbing you, you only need to stand in the presence of God and declare that whatever they are planning against you will turn against them and their children. You cannot be a mountain taker by massaging demons!

In the Apostle's time, the Church met daily. The sin of Hebrews 10:25 is the greatest obstacle hindering revival in the church today; and we continue in it! Revival left when the church chased away the Holy Spirit and became Sunday worshippers! In this church, we give you the opportunity to start the day like Jesus early in the morning in all our centres. We also have Grace hour services and three unity services because we have to keep the fire burning in this city. Are you willing to pay the price? Come out of the shallow waters and launch into the deep where revival is!

Wednesday 24 August 2016

Tapping Into The Annointing ~ Dr. Wilfred Lai

Dr. Wilfred Lai ~ Jesus Celebration Centre, Mombasa, Kenya
God is looking.
He is not looking for people who are ordained, He is looking for people who can believe! If you can believe, you are a candidate for the works of God. He doesn’t care whether you are young or old. I started preaching the gospel when I was in form two just after salvation and I have never stopped. We do not do the work of the ministry, we demonstrate the work of the ministry as a training for you to go into the great harvest. You know where it is? It is in the market place where you are selling your product, it is in your place of work, it is in the place where you are doing your business. The harvest is right there in the college where you are doing your studies. It is everywhere! 
People need the Lord everywhere! God has put you there to represent the Kingdom of heaven. Jesus told the disciples to make this announcement everywhere; “… the kingdom of heaven is at hand,” Matthew 10:7. You are carrying the Kingdom! Everywhere you go you need to tell people the Kingdom has just come! When they ask you, where is it? You tell them, 'I am carrying it, when I entered here the Kingdom just entered!' You need to get a little bit excited about who you are in Christ Jesus; you carry the Kingdom and when you enter somewhere, say shalom, peace; “But whatever house you enter, first say, ‘Peace to this house.’ And if a son of peace is there, your peace will rest on it; if not, it will return to you,” Luke 10:5-6. 
Jesus said, if the son of peace is there, your peace will remain with them but if the son of peace is not there, your peace returns to you. You see, there are people out there who belong to the Kingdom, they are in the night club right now drinking. Some of them are busy carjacking, stealing, and doing all kinds of things but they are sons of peace; they are being involved in stuff that they are not part of. This is why we do not go to look for people and try to convince them to get saved, we go to look for the harvest that is ready. Jesus said the harvest is ready. There are people out there who are tired of being misused by the devil they are waiting for somebody to come and show them how to come out. They are tired of sin, they are tired of being manipulated by demons and they don’t belong there and they know it.
If you don’t go out and tell them, then the anointing in your life is being misused. The anointing is there for battle. You are anointed to fight demons, to break the jails of satan and let the captives go free!

Don't Give up ~ Bishop Wilfred Lai

Bishop WilfredLai ~ Senior Pastor Jesus Celebration Centre, Mombasa, Kenya

Thursday 18 August 2016

The Two Spiritual Laws ~ Dr. Wilfred Lai

Dr. Wilfred Lai ~ Senior Pastor, Jesus Celebration Centre
When you are living for something, you live for it and if you can't live for it, you die for it. This gospel I tell you, we cannot compromise it. You need to be toughened in your faith, believe in God; you are not here just to sit, you are in a training school so that you can go and heal the sick, raise the dead and cast out devils! I am continuing with the message I started on Sunday.

Colossians 3:1-5,8 Romans 8:1-6
There are two spiritual laws at work and you cannot live outside both; the law of the Spirit & life and the law of Sin & death. Life means enjoying all things that God has given; not living like the heathen chasing money. Money should be chasing you if you are living under the anointing because the law of the Spirit has given us all things. The things of the flesh are physical and material. If you don't kill the five things we talked about on Sunday, you are living in the flesh. It's only people who are in the flesh who fear death but when you are in the Spirit, you are not afraid of death because you died and your life is hidden with Christ in God. That means the enemy has to look for you, the world has to look for you, the flesh has to look for you because what died is your former man and Christ became your life. 
Colossians 3:5,8 tells us the things to put off and the things to kill. The world is going to be judged because of those things. We must be free from what the world will be judged of if we are to judge the world together with Christ. You need to set your mind on things above and stop thinking like everybody else. In other words, you must live a Spiritual life. 

The things that are above are spiritual. Romans 8:1, if you don’t want to live under condemnation, you must not walk in the flesh. You do not become a sinner by sinning, you are born a sinner. Don’t call small children little angels, they are little sinners because they are born in sin. They don’t sin because they like it, there is a law. If you don’t understand this, you will try to build a righteousness of your own and it will fail. Let me tell you, the flesh, this body we live in never gets saved, it is weak because of sin. Sin has demoted us and brought us to a place where there is no glory. When you get into Christ, you become a new creature and you become a target of the enemy. What is the enemy targeting? Its found in 1 John 2:20 ‘the anointing from the Holy one’.  You are hid in God through Christ by the glory (the presence of God) that overshadows you and builds a canopy over you. The enemy has no other agenda, he wants to get you out of there! 

What is this anointing? This is what gives you the ability to know all things and that is why Apostle Paul was saying, ‘I can do all things’. Let me tell you, when you allow yourself to stay in the glory, you will know all things and even when you are making a mistake you will know. The enemy knows he has no power to take you to hell after you get saved and so he targets to get you out of the glory.

Romans 8:4, When we don’t live according to the flesh, we have overcome the law of sin and death and so we live a victorious life and bear the fruit of the Spirit. Have you seen people who are born again but they have no joy? It is because they are living in the flesh. They believe everything the devil orchestrates against them. Have you heard drunkards? Even when they have no money, they say money is not the problem. We should live drunk in the Spirit so that even when things are not going right, we don’t speak wrong because we know they will turn around for our good! We have no business hating those who hate us because we are a royal priesthood, a chosen generation! We are unique! Do you want to live in peace? Romans 8:6 is very clear, then be spiritually minded.

I will give you an assignment that demonstrates how dangerous it is to live in the flesh yet you are anointed. The story of Samson in Judges 16. When you are living in the flesh, you cannot even sense when you are operating with an agent of the devil. Samson could not tell who Delilah was. He was anointed but living in the flesh. Let me tell you, the anointing cannot stop you from sinning, it’s only the Spirit of God who can stop you. When you have an anointing, you can sin and still work out miracles and that is the foolishness of many pastors today; because God is moving, they still drink beer. They don’t understand they are Nazarites and you cannot have two drivers driving the same car; the Spirit of God and wine. God is gracious, He will let you continue but at some point, He will say His Spirit will not wrestle with man. I am here to raise champions and champions don't die with the people they defeat. Samson died together with the Philistines, he died a loser because he did not honour the anointing of God on his life.

I pray that tonight you will know that you are anointed and live like a servant of God. You don’t need anybody’s ordination! I don’t need anybody’s push to go and preach anywhere. My C.V is Jesus Christ and if you don’t need that, then you don’t need me! The anointing over my life introduces me. When you preach the gospel under the anointing, some will accept you and tell others about you and some will criticise you. Don’t accept to be manipulated or compromised, the anointing is all you need! Its time to set our eyes on the things that are above. Protect the anointing over your life through prayer. If you don’t play your part, no one can play it and if you play your part well, you will be promoted.

Tuesday 16 August 2016

Thursday 11 August 2016

The Raised Standard ~ Rev. Justus Kimeu

Rev. Justus Kimeu ~ Jesus celebration Centre 
How does the enemy come? The Bible in Isaiah 59:19 says like a flood. I don't know whether most of us have met a flood. Floods are rushing waters that are able to carry anything that is on their way. When God is speaking about the enemy, He knows yet He is so confident about the standard that will be raised. As the church, we must rise and be a powerful dynamic church with authority to challenge the enemy. All forces and principalities must bow! Even if you are two days old in salvation, you carry the power and the DNA of God and that is why the Lord is giving us an offer in Isaiah 14:1-17. 

In verse 1, the Lord says He will show mercy. It doesn't matter how bad your condition is, as long as you are of the covenant, God is on your side and if God be for you, who can be against you? He will repay you what ever Laban stole from you and He will not just give you a salary; He will give you wealth. I don't know what's your standard, but God remains faithful. He will never fail you.  God is raising a standard for you, whoever oppressed you (verse 2) you will oppress them! In verse 3, the Lord says He will give you rest. Rest from sorrow, from fear, from borrowing and from everything that brings you down. I pray that you enter a place of rest and celebration. 

In verse 5, the Lord has broken the authority, power and influence of the rulers who have been cruel against you. We see in verse 8 that there will be victory everywhere; the oppressor will never oppress you again. Verse 9 promises that the one who brought evil is being waited for in hell. The good news in verse 11 and 12, 15 is that your enemy will fall and be finished. He who has been weakening the church will completely be destroyed. 

Get ready to rise, get ready to occupy because every oppressor will die. Read 2 Kings 19:32-33 and you will see how God is confident about your enemies. God continues to say in Amos 7:1-4 that He will defend you by fire. In this battle of fire, whatever has been weakening or defeating you is going to be under your feet! You will never be oppressed again, you are going to walk with God in a new level of faith because God is raising a standard.

Wednesday 10 August 2016

Uaminifu ~ Pastor Flora Kaguo

Today, we bring you a powerful word that was preached by Pastor Flora Kaguo from Tanzania, at JCC Buxton Centre during our Swahili service. The depth of the revelation in this word is worth listening to.

To get the full copy of the message and further inquiries, kindly contact us on +254 721748965 or email us on,

Tuesday 9 August 2016

Apostolic Grace ~ Dr. Wilfred Lai

Dr. Wilfred Lai ~ Senior Pastor, Jesus Celebration Centre, Mombasa, Kenya
The Apostolic grace is a spiritual covering given to some for the benefit of all. You find this all over the scriptures, from the Book of Genesis all the way to the Book of Revelation. Even before the law was given, grace was at work. 

Genesis 6:8 says “But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord”.  Grace is given because God appoints or chooses a man and pours upon him grace, it doesn’t mean others don’t have it. That is why it is very important to understand this because lack of knowledge will limit you. Knowledge will push you to levels that others will struggle to get to. This is why I choose not to tell stories but to preach the Word of God and to put the wisdom of God in your heart so that you walk as a conqueror.

Religion has absolutely made the church senseless concerning the things of the Spirit, but we cannot be ignorant of the schemes of the devil because deception is the order of the day today. If you don’t have the ability to discern you become vulnerable. They say not everything that glitters is gold. Not everybody that comes carrying the Bible is sent to you and not everyone that comes carrying the Bible is preaching the Gospel. There are many gospels that can be taken from the Bible and there are many people preaching all kinds of things. You need to have the ability to know what’s going on without anybody telling you. You need to be able to discern. 

I pray that your understanding will be touched by the anointing because it is only the anointing that can stir the inner man to be able to do this. Some of you reading this are meant to be great preachers, nobody will tell you that. You need an anointing to sit on you. Some of you reading are meant to heal the sick and cast out devils and probably no one will come and tell you that but when you are under an Apostolic grace and your spiritual antennas are up, you will hear something and you will be able to know what is going on.

Monday 8 August 2016

Women On Fire 2016 Vote of Thanks ~ Mama Rita Lai

Bishop Wilfred and Mama Rita Lai ~ Women on Fire Ladies Conference Visionaries  
We want to thank God for being with us until the last day of the Women on Fire Ladies conference 2016. We do not take the presence of God in this conference for granted because we know there are many who gather but He does not show up. We feel humbled because of the heavy presence of God that was evident in every session of the conference. Ladies were blessed. They did not go back home the same way they came because issues were taken care of. Right from the first session, the Lord told us the donkeys have already been found and in the last session, the Lord, through the prophet of this house, Bishop Wilfred Lai, declared that, 'it is well.' We also thank God for using our guest speakers to bring great truths to us. Our lives will never be the same again. Our guest singers also did a great job. May the Lord bless you.

God has birthed for Himself a generation of Women that are going to do exploits. Wherever they go, they are going to dismantle the kingdom of darkness. That is my desire for Women on fire Ladies Conference. 

The purpose of this conference is to bring women together, set them on fire like Samson did to the foxes and release them into the Philistines field. We release the ladies to the dark world, to go and burn every work of darkness. That purpose has been accomplished. 

I also thank God for everyone who worked tirelessly to make this conference a success. May the Lord bless you. 

I welcome you to Women on Fire Ladies Conference 2017. The conference will take place from August 3rd - 5th 2017. I hope to see you there. Shalom!

Sunday 7 August 2016

Break Your Limitations!

Rev. Justus Kimeu~ Jesus Celebration Centre, Mombasa, Kenya.
Much of what works against mankind was initiated by the devil after the fall of man but we have hope in the God who commanded light to shine out of darkness. That same God is ready to shine the light of the knowledge of Christ in your heart; 2 Corinthians 4: 6-13. When that happens, there can never be anything impossible to you. We have the nature of God which is the nature of faith and it speaks of those things that are not as though they are.

Jesus was revealed to destroy the works of the devil;1 John 3:8. Everything that brings limitation to you is a work of the devil. Some of those things have names like hypertension but you can refuse those conditions because you believe in a miracle working God. The gospel is the power of God that brings salvation (Romans 1:16-17, 1 Corinthians 2:3-4). God is revealed in faith and He can change your situation and your year even when the calendar
has not changed. Luke 8:43-48 tells us of the woman with an issue of blood, she already had the light and knowledge of the glory; she did not wait to be touched but she said, 'if I touch the hem of His garment, I will be whole.' When she did, what had happened for 12 years stopped in a moment. All the doctors- medical and herbal- had declared the situation impossible but the power of God is able to change situations through your faith in God.

When God introduced us to His kingdom, He introduced us to His power; Matthew 28:18-20, Luke 10:19. We have been given authority over ALL the power of the enemy and nothing shall harm us. So if you fear witches, know that you have authority over them! That is why you need to take charge of where you are. Stop behaving like a watchman yet you are a commander in chief!

God brought you here this morning to introduce you to a new level of faith. The light and knowledge of the glory will come upon your heart and you are going to destroy the works of the devil and break every limitation.

Thursday 4 August 2016

Women On Fire Ladies Conference Day 1 Session 2.

The Co-host of this great conference, our Papa Bishop Wilfred Lai has just finished ministering on the topic;
Vessels Ready for Use.
Luke 1:26-45, 2 Timothy 2:20-21
This afternoon, we have gathered here because Jesus is preparing us for His great work. It doesn't matter where you came from, it doesn't matter what people think about you, you have come because God is setting you up for something. He brought you to Women on Fire because He is preparing you to become a vessel that can be used for every good work. God is not looking for special people, He is looking for people like you! I believe that everytime God is about to do something, women play a major role. When God wanted to send the Saviour to the world, He looked for a woman. When God cannot find a man to lead a battle, He anoints a woman to lead the men to battle!
When the Angel came to Mary, he told her words that didn't make sense. That is the difference between men and women. The same Angel had gone to Zechariah a few months ago and told him that his wife will conceive but he didn't believe. The problem of Zechariah is the problem of many people. You have been praying but are you ready because what you were praying for has come? Do you know why Zechariah was made dumb? Because the words we speak carry supernatural power and they can abort the miracle that you have prayed so much for.
Let me tell you what I have been praying, that God will find someone in this conference who is ready! I don't know why you are here but I will tell you the reason; God will make you birth something that will reveal why you were created and manifest you to the world! Nobody determines what kind of a vessel you will be in the house of God, it is you! In a great house there are many different vessels and some cannot be used before the King, they are just for ordinary use.
God is going to raise women from this conference whose voices cannot be silenced. I am not suggesting, I am a messenger of God! God said He is checking you out to see whether you are ready. You must be ready like Mary. God is going to use weak vessels to do great things. The Holy Spirit will overshadow you and that is why this conference is called Women on Fire, women who look like the burning bush! When God sets you up, you don't need a man to set you up! You don't even need oil, you have been anointed too many times! I am talking about Power! Power! That power will come on those who believe, you are not limited, you don't need man's approval, only believe! God is not going to use everybody, He is looking for somebody.

Tuesday 2 August 2016

Women On Fire Ladies Conference ~ Worship Ministers

Mercy D. Lai

Women On Fire Ladies Conference is just one day away!
All roads are leading to Jesus Celebration Centre, Mombasa, Kenya, for the conference starting this Thursday the 4th of August 2016.

We are already assured that the Lord has a Rhema word for each one of us.

Rosy Ohon
Mercy D. Lai the winner of Album of the year Groove award 2016, will be ministering in this conference alongside Rosy Ohon who is a mentor in the music industry and is largely known for her song ' Eshe Baba' and 'watoto.'

Come ready with your dancing shoes because we shall be raising high praise and worship to our heavenly Father just as the Bible commands us in Psalm 150:6, " Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord."

Monday 1 August 2016

Women on Fire Conference Countdown

Shalom! Shalom! We are just two days away to the biggest event in town; Women on Fire ladies Conference. All roads are leading to Jesus Celebration Center Mombasa, Kenya, for the conference starting this Thursday the 4th of August 2016. If you are a lady and you haven't made up your mind, you are not late, come and be set on fire for God. As evident in the following video, the conference is open to women and ladies of all ages, tribe, race and denomination.There is something for everybody. Karibuni sana!