Monday 17 October 2016

Word Explosion Camp Meeting 2016 ~ Dr. Wilfred and Mrs. Rita Lai

Having A Kingdom Mind ~ Dr. Wilfred Lai

Dr. Wilfred Lai ~ JCC Mombasa, Kenya
I want you to know I love everyone of you and the devil can do nothing about it. Here we are raising an army and not civilians; people who have a kingdom mind.
Isaiah 55:6-11

I want you to know that every accomplishment in your life will come from the word that God has said. Little faith which comes from hearing little word makes us not to live like kingdom people. Your Father loves you and He does not want you to run around for things like sinners (Matthew 6:33), He wants you to seek him and call on and He will take care of you. You cannot be a God seeker if you are not a prayer warrior. When the church backslid, it started those small groups of intercessors, everybody is supposed to be an intercessor, if you don't have a burden to pray, you have backslid! The Lord is not far, He is near to those who seek Him. The Holy Spirit is the one who helps us. 

If you want to be a Kingdom minded person, you must change the way you think. You must not hear the word only once a week and think you are okay. I always say the word is food, if you eat one meal a week, you will be malnourished and become so weak. That is why I say Sunday worship is of the devil! If it is of God, where in the Bible was that day given to Christians as a day of worship? When the church was born, they met daily! You also need to understand that Jesus is not the founder of Christianity, He said in Matthew 16:18-19, "... on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it. 19 And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven ..." When we have very little of the word of God in us, then we believe every wind of doctrines of men and that's why Christians are running around looking for miracles, why don't you seek the Lord and miracles follow you (Mark 16:17)? The kingdom of God is not run with men's ideas, the Bible is the kingdom constitution! 

The Kingdom of God does not operate in weakness, it operates in power. God has got power to accomplish all He needs to do and so He does not beg anybody to do anything, He commands us, He commands every one to get saved. God operates in power because He is not a president who will come asking for your votes; He is a king! The people who know their God shall be strong and do exploits but if you don't know God, you will operate everything in fear. When situations come, speak to them words of faith because I have learned that everything has an ear. Look at the devil on the face and tell him, "not here!" When Jesus came from the wilderness, He returned in power (Luke 4:14), raising the dead, calming storms and healing the sick. That's the power of the kingdom; it is not mere words, it's operated in Power! How do you get the power? Seek the Lord and call on Him (Isaiah 55:6). There are powers of darkness that control where you are and if you are going to go where God wants you to be, you must get out of this sleeping business (Proverbs 24:33-34) get up and pray, make right confessions and watch what God will do. 

When the church begun, nobody played church, the story of Ananias and Sapphira in Acts 5:2 shows how the kingdom operates. Ananias came in the spirit of religiosity like some people who think preachers need their money. The preachers of the day never sought for money, they did not do harambees to buy a car, they preached the gospel and the people sold their lands and houses (Acts 4:35) and brought the money at the Apostles feet who in turn did not steal it but used it for the gospel.

When you begin to operate the way God does - doing everything for His glory - you will begin to see immediate results. When you have power you don't worry about small things. Your new level will not happen when the word of God is not dwelling in you richly, forsake your thoughts and return to the Lord (Isaiah 55:7) for He will abundantly pardon and open doors because it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom.

Sunday 16 October 2016

God's Day of Your Visitation ~ Dr. Wilfred Lai

We are so glad to have everyone of you today, the word will change your life forever and you will leave as a different person.
Dr. Wilfred Lai ~ Senior Pastor JCC Mombasa, Kenya

Genesis 15:1-8, 12-14

The God of the Bible is a God of seasons (Ecclesiastes 3:1). Our God who controls times and seasons wants us to be aware that when He wants to bring forth a new season, He sends a word to prepare us so that we may fulfill the purpose of that season. I came this morning with a word from the Lord because your season is changing. When God wanted to change Abraham's season, the word of God came to him in a vision, “ ... Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield, your exceedingly great reward,” (Genesis 15:1). Fear is a sign of unbelief and God does not want us to fear because He doesn't want us to live by circumstances. 

God had said He would give Abraham a son but things were looking like they are not changing. Abraham tells God he is old and Eliezer would be his heir. You know as human beings when we have been in a situation for long and it seems like it has no solution, we adjust to it even if it's not comfortable. It is the word of God that changed the situation of Abraham. This morning I came to tell you that it's God's word that will change your situation. God takes Abraham outside and asks him to look up at the stars and count them. Abraham could not and God told him that his descendants shall be so. He believed and God accounted it to him for righteousness. When the situation seems impossible, will you believe? There is no change that can happen without faith (Hebrews 11:6). 

Abraham's story is like your story and God has given a word to change it. Abraham then asked God for a guarantee concerning the things that He had spoken to him and God said, “... bring Me a three-year-old heifer, a three-year-old female goat, a three-year-old ram, a turtledove, and a young pigeon,” (Genesis 15:9). God was establishing the giving of His people from the richest to the poorest through those five things because there is no worship without a sacrifice. When you obey what God tells you, you open a door for the next thing that God wants to show you, if you don't, you close the door. I pray that we will obey whatever God tells us. God then caused Abraham to fall into a deep sleep because He wanted to do an operation in his life and give him the next direction. The God who brought Abraham out of the land of the Chaldeans to bless him is the same God who has brought you out of where you were to this place to change your life. Even if you are here for the first time, it's not an accident, it's God who orchestrated your coming. It's time for your next level! It doesn't matter what is happening, the season has just changed as you listen to this message! 

Hebrews 3:16-19 tells us the children of Israel could not enter into God's rest (Swahili Bible says 'raha' ) because when the word of God came through Moses that they would go back to the land of their fathers, a land flowing with milk and honey; they rebelled against it and God was angry with them and they died in the wilderness and their carcasses remained there. Let me tell you, God does not want you to die before you see the fulfillment of His purposes in your life but when you don't believe in His word, you are killed by the things that you should kill. When the doctor says you have a condition and you begin singing, ' Lord I am coming home," how old are you to die? Heaven is not for young people! I don't care which way death tries to come to you, tell it, wrong address! When you don't realize the time God has come to change your season, you miss it and calamity follows you. In Luke 19:40-44, God sent Jesus to the Jews as their Messiah but because their spiritual leaders were blind, they missed the time of their visitation. When you hear the word and you disobey, you are stagnated and you stay in one place for a very long time.

Friday 14 October 2016

Treasures In heaven ~ Dr. Wilfred Lai

Shalom beloved,

The Wilfred Lai Foundation offers you a great opportunity to provide for yourselves money bags which do not grow old, a treasure in the heavens that does not fail, where no thief approaches nor moth destroys according to the word of God in Luke 12:33.
Do not let this opportunity pass you by.

Thursday 13 October 2016

Kingdom First ~ Dr. Wilfred Lai

Dr. Wilfred Lai ~ Senior Pastor Jesus Celebration Centre, Kenya
What a God we serve, He will never fail us, even when the devil tries to rise up, he can't change what God has said. When they rise against us in one way, they will flee in seven directions! We are in a season of New Levels; new levels new devils! I am here to raise champions and the devil can do nothing about it!

Luke 12:29-34

I am continuing from where I stopped on Sunday morning. We were at Matthew 6:33. If we are going to experience heavenly riches, we must become kingdom minded people; instead of anxiety, you rest on the promises of God, spend time in the presence of God in prayer, spend time in the word and spend time with the brethren. When the church was born, it did not gather only one day, why? Because the leaders of the church understood what their Master said in Luke 19:13, "... occupy till I come." Psalm 24:1 tells us that everything in the world, God put it there for the sake of the expansion of His kingdom. For you to get into your next level, you must change your attitude towards God. You must stop treating Him like a liar, you must stop treating Him like He can't help you because He is your help: He must come first.

 For some of you, your job comes first, while for others, your children can never miss school but they can miss church. What gain is it if you work so hard yet you have no relationship with your Maker (Isaiah 55:7). What is the Kingdom? The kingdom of God is the kingdom of our Father and He is the King who is solely responsible for those living in it. Jesus said when we pray, we address the Father and ask for His kingdom (Matthew 6). We are not supposed to feed and cloth ourselves, our Father is supposed to give us an inheritance because the whole earth is His. A father cares for his children and ensures they are protected. God is our Father and we should not treat Him any other way, we are not grown ups, we are His children and that is why in our reading in Luke 12, He calls us little flock and tells us not to fear. The Father wants us to own the kingdom. Luke 12:33 gives us a kingdom principle, "sell what you have and give alms ; provide yourselves money bags which do not grow old, a treasure in the heavens that does not fail, where no thief approaches nor moth destroys." Jesus said the same thing to the young ruler in Matthew 19:21 and that is what He is saying today. I know that has just offended you like that young ruler. God does not want kingdom people to be attached to material things; what you have here is for His glory.

When the word of God says seek the kingdom, it means seek how God operates. So what does God do? God does everything for His glory. The moment you begin to do everything for God's glory, you will find favor with Him. When you are asking God to give you something, what is it for? When you change your attitude, your level will change. Stop asking God for things for yourself! You must hate everything that does not glorify God in your life. When God says your treasure in heaven will not fail, it means that every time you have a need here on earth, you draw from your heavenly treasure.

James 4:3 says,  "You ask and do not receive, because you ask amiss, that you may spend it on your pleasures". Now you know why you prayed for things and you didn't get them. Change your prayer and things will start coming your way in ways you don't even understand because heaven has never bounced a cheque. If you want to know whether you are kingdom minded, check your giving. How many times do you make vows and you fail to honor them, how many times have you failed to pay the tithe, how many times did the Holy Spirit tell you to give a dress to a certain sister and you started reasoning and said you love the dress. As long as you are attached to earthly things, you cannot glorify God. Whatever you have used for the kingdom for God's glory, you are laying for yourself treasure in heaven because God pays for services and it begins by giving yourself. When you are waging warfare for other people, you are getting credits in your heavenly treasures, even when you are attending service you get some credits and if the 1st world pays in minutes, you can imagine how God pays, it could even be in seconds! Change only comes because you have a renewed mind, if you understand this, you will be available for the kingdom.